On Saturday my cousin Brooke threw a baby shower for Meghan (my sister in law) & Ashley (her sister). It was pretty much the best baby shower I have ever been to hands down!
I embroidered these two little forest friends onto onesie's. I love when my crafting comes in handy.
I also made this baby bird banner. I think it turned out well :)
Brooke's house is so nice & was decorated so cute for the shower!
How cute it the bird/branch centerpiece? Brooke made all the birds herself!
There of course was some cute kiddo's in attendance.
Cute advice books.
And most importantly AWESOME food including hand made panini's!
My plate.. Yum :)
So funny Atlas eating onions?
Ashley opening presents for Nixon.
Meghan opening gifts for baby Hawkes.
My aunt Patti Made these cute little plushies.
Liz Ashley Brooke
Julie Me Erin Atlas Cammi Prezley Haley Meg
The whole crew. We were sad that so many aunts & cousins couldn't come, but we had a blast anyways! Brooke sure does throw a mean baby shower! Can't wait to meet Nixon & Hawkes.