So while in Utah I am usually all over the place doing a million things! This trip I started off early with two Stella & Dot parties. The food & company were ever so lovely ;) Here are some shots of the first set up:
and pearls..
some of my favorite sparkles
Of course if you see anything you love feel free to contact me or buy directly from my online Stella & Dot shop. So as I said I am usually all over the place getting together with friends, shopping, taking pictures, & making crafts.. WELL not this time.
My body has a hard time adjusting to change. Whether it be time, food or weather I am always affected. Though I love to travel my body is often just so wimpy about the whole thing :(
So as happens every time I come from MX to Utah the food change started to affect my tummy and I find myself in the bathroom often.. As the weather changed from sunny to rainy I immediately got a sore throat along with a slight cough.. And even though the time difference is only an hour, my sleep is always off. I feel tired & crappy. I always get adjusted but it seems like it takes longer & longer each time. Not to complain, but I just get so frustrated sometimes. Why can't I be more like my mother who gets sick maybe once a year?!! Where I find myself sick almost 3 times a month. It's ridiculous this lame body I live in.. Oh well, I guess it's my burden to bear. But I kid you not if you are even thinking of getting sick do not come anywhere near me because I always catch it no matter what! My immune system is rad like that...
So I guess to make this post some-what productive, I will ask you for advice? Is there anything you do to keep from getting sick? Any special remedies or tricks? All I know is I FOR SURE heading to the doctor's to get a flu shot, because getting the flu is my worst nightmare! (Once in HS I had it for almost two weeks! Ask my mom I just laid on the couch & couldn't even open my own birthday presents for days after my actual birthday! Also because I couldn't eat I lost 6 pounds. Makes me shutter just thinking about it.)
On a more positive note.. I love the weather change! I am so excited for boots, hot chocolate, scarfs, haunted houses & cuddling! Fall is such an exciting change. Now that I finally do feel better, I am hoping to get some projects done & keep the blog up to date. Thanks for listening to me whine :)