This last weekend we made a quick trip up to San Diego to get a break. I got Jer a couple birthday gifts & dropped off my broken laptop while Jeremy golfed. That night we had a wonderful sushi dinner & saw the movie The Dilemna I hate to say it since I picked the movie, mostly because it had Channing Tatum in it but it was pretty stupid.
Miraculously they said my laptop was done the next morning! They replaced the logic board totaling close to $1,000 for free? When I asked why the guy said: "not sure.. you must have applecare". Which I don't, because when Jer took my computer in a couple weeks ago they charged him $300 for a repair? My summary is that I am way more attractive than Jeremy so they charged him but this dude liked me better so the gave me a freebie! :) Really I have no idea why it was free but I will be praying to bless that guy at the genius bar who hooked me up with a new charger too. (I fell down the stairs with my brand new one and broke it..oops)
He doesn't know he just resurrected my best friend from the dead!
When we were at the mall, we ran into this..
A singing contest for a chance to get into the premier of Justin Bieber's new movie/documentary. (Which looks pretty cool by the way) It was hilarious watching all the teen girls singing justin bieber's songs! I think I even saw some girls crying after they performed.. haha.. I know how they feel, I would have sang in front of a crowd of strangers to see the backstreet boys when I was in junior high too!
We ate some yummy lunch at the cheescake factory & then just relaxed the rest of the day. I planned to have our friend Chris who is a photographer help me with my new camera but got too embarrassed about how I still don't understand what aperture means.. So I only ended up taking these 2 pictures on the car ride home.. Maybe next week I will have the courage to ask for help :)

I am glad to hear the dilema wasn't good, we have been debating on seeing it. I am sure you are doing a great job at your calling and will be blessed =)