I know this tutorial is a little late, but hey pin it for next year and maybe it will come in handy! Plus xmas fabric is all on sale, so maybe you just want to be super prepared for next Christmas :) Anyways as I was looking for a tree skirt to go under our massive tree, I came across this awesome tartan plaid one from the Land of Nod
I was in love, but for $70 the husband said no way :( (It is on sale now by the way if you want to snag it for next year)
So what of course you must do in situations like this is to make one like it!
What you will need:
*Fabric (1 1/2 yards for large tree skirt, 1 1/4 yards for meduim, & 1 yard for a small skirt)
I chose to make a large tree skirt since we had a big 70" tree.
*A bowl
*Sewing Machine
I chose a red plaid fabric for the top of my tree skirt to match with our all red decorated tree. For the bottom I just got a plain red fabric for super cheap because I knew I didn't care what the underneath looked like. You could however chose a cool sherpa or another fabric you like to make your tree skirt reversible!
So fold your fabric in half & then in half again so it is in a square. Cut a rounded side on the only non folded or raw edge. I just eye balled it, but for a more accurate circle you will want to measure so your circle is completely even. 

Once both top & bottom pieces are cut out lay them on top of each other with the right sides facing each other. Pin around the whole circle. Now in the center lay down your bowl & trace around it. Cut out your circle and cut a straight line for the back of your tree skirt. Pin around.
Now if you would like to beautify the back of your tree skirt I would recommend pinning ribbons to either side of the line you just cut so you can tie up the back in bows. I knew you wouldn't see the back of my tree skirt so I got lazy and opted out of the extra work.

Now you will sew around all your raw edges making sure to leave a 5" inch gap to turn it inside out. You can hand stitch your gap closed or use fabric glue to shut it, whichever you prefer.
Now stick it under your tree and find a cute baby to help display it ;)
I think Kingsley was very impressed with my tree skirt :)
Here is our tree all lit up & with the star on it. I miss Christmas already!
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