I finally found some energy to edit all my pictures from Utah & load em to the blog. Sunday while in Utah I got lucky enough to attend this little 2yr olds birthday! How sweet is his smile?
His mom made him the most adorable cookie monster cake because he loves everything sesame st.
This is him clapping after he blew out (spit out) his candles :)
I saw these cute sesame cake pops the week before on etsy & knew Atlas needed them for his birthday! At first we were concerned he wouldn't want to eat his tv friends, but it was actually the opposite! He wanted to take a bite out of each & then put them back. Below him eating big bird :) We decided Tanner & Meggy look like siblings, agree?
He got plenty of clothes, shoes but mostly books.
Though he seemed mostly interested in his new drum set! He actually was SO good at it! Pretty much holding a beat & hitting the symbol right on cue. He is for sure going to be a famous drummer someday, even if his parents go deaf in the process :)
Even Hawkes could enjoy the ruckus with these sound proof head phones on.. Pretty sure it is the most adorable accessory a baby can have! :)
Meg got these cute sweatsuits for the boys to resemble the movie the royal tennenbams. I have never seen it, but enjoy twinner outfits all the same!

Atlas trying to make me feel bad he can still wear short shorts..
My moms attempt to get a picture of all the boys.
These pictures were defiantly difficult to get..
Mainly because Atlas is such a sweetheart & would stop playing whenever Hawkes started crying. SO cute of him replacing Hawkes binkie in his mouth.

Happy Birthday Little buddy, we love you tons & can't wait to see you next!