Valentine's Day went a little something like this..
10am- cleaned the whole house.
12pm- walk Diesel/chat with grandparents.
(My grandparents are so stinking cute. I sent them a Valentine with some fun dip in it, & they wanted to know what amount of water they should use to make it into a kool aid? Apparently they had never had it before, so I had to explain that is was just pure sugar you eat :))
1pm- come home from my walk to see Jer doing the dishes... *In love* doing the dishes is my least favorite wifely duty!
1:01pm- Diesel & I notice the biggest bear we have ever seen!!!
It came along with a really sweet Vday playlist :)
(which was funny since I was going to make Jer a playlist, but every time I asked him to bring home a blank c.d he wouldn't & said he'd forgot. Really he was just stealing my idea!)
At first Diesel was a little skeptical of Mr. Bear... Possibly even frightened I think, but this is what I found when I came downstairs from putting away laundry....
4pm- Jer comes home early from work & we play donkey kong for 2 hours. It was really romantic. :)
6pm- feel obligated to attend our ward Valentine's party. Stay for 2 hours of awkwardness. Jeremy promises me HE will blog about it.
8pm- sad moment.. We had planned to watch the Bachelor, but somehow it hadn't recorded..
I was basically devastated.
8:30pm-on: gave Jeremy a coupon for a free massage, that he redeemed immediately. Bathed & listened to Jeremy's wonderful playlist. Took a trip down memory lane, talking about funny/nice things we remembered while we were dating. Jeremy slept like a baby while I uploaded pictures on my computer.
All & all it was a really nice Valentine's Day. Even though I didn't get diamonds, a nice dinner, or a huge romantic gesture I think it was perfect.. I got to hang out with my best friend. It is always nice to spend one day thinking of the another person & doing nice things for them. Jeremy made me feel special & loved & I think that's what it's all about...
Hope everyone had a wonderful Love day!
xoxo Cassie & Diesel :)