It was the Kemps turn for Thanksgiving this year, and since Hudson is too young to travel we decided to have it at home this year. I have to say it was perfect and cozy in our new house!
Jeremy had the honor of carving the turkey.
Mostly due to Sandy, we had the most delicious array of food, including: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Corn, Rolls, Sweet Potatoes, Sparkling Cider, and Pumpkin & Banana Pie! My mouth is watering looking at these pictures.
And I was so excited to FINALLY use my Kate Spade China that we received when we were married.
Doesn't it look scrumptious?
I have so much to be thankful for. Mostly these two beautiful healthy boys!
Aren't they adorable!?
I just adore these two!
Shortly after Thanksgiving we went to hunt for a Christmas tree.
Hudson really enjoyed it ;)
I had a little photoshoot with Kingsley since he was looking so adorable.
When I told him to smile.. ha
As we were picking trees this year we made a HUGE mistake! We saw a beautiful 10ft tree & thought it would look perfect in our living room with the high ceilings. We asked them for a similar one we could fit thru the door so they loaded up a tied up one.
Well when the boys cut off the ties we realized we had not only a 12ft tree instead of a 10ft, but the fattest hugest tree you have ever seen! They could hardly keep is upright it was so heavy.

The stand wouldn't keep it up so they had to lean it against the wall. I had some serious anxiety how we were gonna make it work, or be able to take it back. I was really worried it would tip over on one of my kids!
Luckily Jeremy had some help the next day as they sawed off some of the bottom and got a bigger stand to get it up. The pictures don't do it justice, but you can see below Jeremy had to use a latter to put the star on!
Our decorations aren't quite big enough, but it is a beautiful tree and definitely makes our house look christmasy!
I would have DIED being in your shoes with that Christmas tree fiasco...but you have such a great attitude and you're right - it looks perfect! Cute boys, adorable family.