Oh my little Huddy Buddy! It's so sad that the 2nd child grows up even more quickly than the 1st one. This little guy sure can melt my heart. To be honest though this is truly the first month that I have wanted him to stop growing up so fast, in his earlier months I really struggled with wanting him to get older, to become less fussy, and sleep better. Well it seems all of that has fallen in place and I couldn't be more in love with this little man.

Hudson has a pretty consistent schedule these days. Though he does not sleep as well as Kingsley did at nights, he is more of a sure thing during the day taking naps. Within the last week I have decided to push his bedtime to 8ish instead of 10. He kept sleeping in until ten or eleven, and I would rather have him on a similar schedule with King so they can sleep and nap at the same time. Plus that hour or two is the only possible alone time Jeremy and I get to have to watch tv and relax. So as of let he goes down at 8ish wakes back up at 10/11 and then goes anywhere from a 5-7 hour stretch typically waking up somewhere around 5am and then is up for the day around 8 or 9am. Kingsley was sleeping thru the night at this point but I swear I am a bigger softy with Hudson. I swear I thought I would be tougher with my second child, but I think I just feel badly for him that during the day that he doesn't get enough attention so I baby him a little. Anyways though it is just barely he is progressing at night & I know he will get better eventually so I'm not gonna sweat it and just savour this sweet baby. Once Hudson is up for the day he typically takes 4 naps. One in the morning about an hour after he wakes up for about an hour, then somehow I have trained him to take a long nap at the same time as King at one-ish. He will sleep for an hour and a half wake up to eat and then go back to sleep for another hour. It is the greatest to have them both asleep at the same time. It doesn't always work out perfectly, but it typically gives me enough time to take a nap or tackle a sewing project. He then takes another short nap in the evening before bed. He has gotten so easy to put to sleep, he gets whiny and I just pop in his binky and rock him for a minute and then set him down. Kingsley would wake up the second I set him down, so it's so nice Hudson will sleep in the bassinet since I can't hold him all day like I did with Kingsley. He also naps really well in his mamaroo and his car seat.

We just think our little Hudson is so handsome. He just has the cutest little face. We wont have any stats until next month, but I know he still is on the bigger side since he has been wearing 3-6 month clothes for a while now and they are pretty snug. His hair is thinning out, but he has the hugest dimple and prettiest eye lashes.

Hudson loves to be talked to and chats back all day long. He is super ticklish and I love to get him giggling because it is the best sound ever. His dimpled smile is the cutest thing too. For the most part he is a really happy baby. He does prefer to be held, but what kid doesn't? Lately he enjoys sitting in his bumbo, laying on his play mat, and I have even put him in the bouncer a couple times. He can't last longer than 15 minutes, but it's something. I have narrowed it down that dairy really upsets him, so every once in a while if I can't resist a meal or forget he has a freak out.. Poor guy, but at least now it only lasts an hour versus all day when he was younger.
Nursing is still going well, and he consistently eats every 3 hours. I do wish he would take a bottle, and can't believe I didn't keep it up like I had with Kingsley. It makes it difficult to always have to time how long I have until he eats again.
Lately he enjoys sucking on his fists, sticking out his tongue and still likes tummy time.
Being a mom is the greatest blessing ever. With Kingsley I could still do a lot of my own things, where as now with Hudson I hardly ever have a second to myself. It's almost like one kid is part time, and two is full time! ha Maybe a third is overtime?
Well I couldn't be happier to have this little guy in my life, and can't wait to see him grow and change.