It seems to crazy to have Kingsley's first birthday come and gone!! It all just goes by too quickly. So on baby boy's actual birthday I filled his crib with some balloons to celebrate. He was so excited and played in there for nearly a half hour! He is obsessed with balls & so he loved throwing these lightweight "balls" all around :)

Besides this we kept his actual birthday pretty low key & just spent time playing with him :)
On Saturday we threw our little guy a birthday bash with close friends & family (minus our out of townies).
At first Jeremy thought a birthday for a one year old was ridiculous, but he slowly obliged to all my requests and was just as excited as I was. I kind of stuck to the theme of his nursery with a little gentleman feel with black, white, grey & gold.
I had to hang this massive newborn pic of King that I had accidentally printed a while back in inches instead of cm. Oops!
Kingsley's birth announcement that I never got around to sending out..
I made these party hats for all the kiddies
and these animals my cousin Brooke let me borrow :)
These tin can cakes turned out to be a little more difficult than I had hoped, but looked cute none the less.
For eating I wanted to do all mini foods since we were celebrating my mini mister :)
Attempting to get a picture of all the kiddies in birthday hats.. ha yes these were the best ones unfortunately!
Of course Brooke's present matched our theme perfectly ;)
I didn't think he would care, but Kingsley was actually very excited about all his new toys.
Here is where I envisioned Jeremy lighting the candle on Kingsley's cake, we would sing him happy birthday while he smiled on happily, maybe he would even clap at the end, then we would take a cute family picture helping him blow out his candle...
Here is what actually happened.. :(
Kingsley grabbed the candle right after Jeremy lit it, burning his hand :( It probably didn't help that some of us screamed which scared him. So poor guy didn't really want anything to do with his cake at that point. I don't know why I was so stupid to think he would be safe with a lit candle in front of his face.
I put him back in the high chair later to at least give him a chance to eat his cake though he wasn't all to excited about it.
He didn't scarf down the cake like I would have thought, but he did enjoy the small amount he had saying mmm mmmm.
It's crazy how much time and work you put into these things and then they are over before you know it. Well he may not remember it, but at least we can for him & tell him how fun he was as a one year old!
We just love our Kingsley Hugh Kemp!