We woke up early, like 5 am!! to head to Paris. We were a little sad to leave Switzerland but knew Paris would be just as great. We took the train from Grindelwald-->Interlaken, Interlaken-->Bern, Bern-->Paris. It was 4 1/2 hours in all, and actually really pleasant. We sat next to some really nice asians which was refreshing. We took a cab to our separate hotels since there wasn't enough room in ours for both. Once we got to our room at the Relais De Lourve Jeremy realized he had left his phone in the cab. We figured it was a goner, especially after all the horror stories we have heard about the french people. Well to our surprise when we called he said he would bring it back, we were even more surprised when he actually did! No kidding he wouldn't even take a tip, we were so relieved to have his phone back.
I was really impressed with Paris. I loved all the high rise matching cream to grey buildings. It seemed like a more chic version of New York. You could just feel the power of the city, buzzing with people.
I love the colorful doors. Since most of the buildings are natural colors the doors & flowers just pop against the walls.
We were so excited to see all the many options for food & got some sushi & an orange smoothie for lunch.
We walked over to the Lourve which was conveniently right by our hotel. We were really in the perfect spot.
The Lourve was closing so we just walked around outside.
After the Lourve we headed to the Arc de Triomphe.
The Arc really is so epic with the streets revolving around it.
We climbed yet another set of windy stairs to get to the top. Of course it was worth it to see the legit views.
The boys pointing out this or that.
Here's where we saw our first view of the Eiffel Tower. It's hard to describe how unreal it is. What an amazing structure.
After leaving the Arc de Triomphe we headed straight for the Eiffel Tower to see it close up. On the way there Brianne bought a million towers souvenirs & Jake & Jeremy were bartering with the sellers for fun.
Below Jeremy i having his first crepe with nutella & banana's. He was in love & bought a crepe whenever he saw somewhere selling them
You think you would be able to see the Tower from a ways off, but it really just pops out at you when you come around the corner.
We sat at the park & just enjoyed the scenery.
We waited in a long line to go up the Tower but ended up bailing when it would take over 2 hours. I will confess my complaining probably didn't help. I was starving & therefor grumpy.
So as the sun went down we just walked around to see the tower from different angles & took pictures.
As we were walking to higher grounds to wait for the Eiffel to light up we ran into a carrousel & a place selling crepes. So Jeremy & Jake got their second one within a couple of hours.

It was so cute to see not one but two carrousels right by the Eiffel Tower.
We found the perfect spot to sit & wait for the lights to come on.
The Eiffel Tower is so much cooler at night. So amazing..
I hope I get to come back & see the Eiffel Tower again. It is not over rated at all, I thought it was spectacular!
We thought we would have plenty of time to come back & enjoy the Eiffel Tower but alas we ran out of time. I finally ate some subway for dinner & took the metro home. Our first day in Paris was a huge success!
Next up: Paris day 2