Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas Activities

With a new baby I couldn't do all the fun outdoorsy christmas things I wanted to with Kingsley, like building a snowman or sledding so I tried to plan as many festive indoor activities as possible. 
First we headed down to station park with the Browns to meet Santa. Kingsley had been talking about him non stop so I was excited to see how he would react. Somehow we ended up in line for an hour & a half! It was freezing and I hadn't really dressed anyone appropriately because I didn't think we would be there that long. Turns out Kingsley was too nervous to sit on Santa's lap so Jer had to sit with him. We did get this awesome photo though even which looks like he loves Santa :)
We braved the snow and cold to head downtown to see the lights. It was kind of magical with the snow. Kingsley was not stoked with his snow cover however.
We made some awesome gingerbread houses at my moms house. Kingsley ate a lot of candy.
We went to the annual Christmas Oakridge Brunch with the Kemps.
 Hudson had his chance to sit on Santa's lap. He didn't really care, but Kingsley on the other hand really was not having it this time around.                                 
Something that was not awesome is when we all got the flu!
Sadly I didn't even know Kingsley had it, but passed it on to everyone one in both families :(
I can't forget to mention my favorite day of the year which is the annual shopping trip I get to take with Earl. Huddy had to tag along, but luckily he was an angel so I could get some serious shopping done. Thanks big E, you're the best!
This photo is from actual Christmas day when we went up to visit Grandpa Kemp. He didn't even know it was Christmas, but it was so nice to see him. He is such a sweet guy. Kingsley wouldn't go near him, he is really shy and nervous lately which is a little weird with his personality.
After Christmas we did our annual New Years Eve dinner with Crab from Costco.
All the festiveness wore Hudson right out! I love the holidays, but boy they can be tiring!
Ps I still need to post about our new house!

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