Saturday, October 12, 2013

Wheeler Farm Pumpkin Patch

Since I am days away from having this baby I figured I need to take my current baby Kingsley out to do October festivities & give him some one on one attention. So we headed down to Wheelers Farm with some of my  Family.
Daddy and Kingsley wearing matching shirts :)
Kingsley enjoyed being outside and running around so much!
It is nearly impossible to get him to stay still for a picture however.
I am a good 38 weeks at this point so picking up and carrying this kid around can be exhausting!
You would be amazed how many pictures I had to take to get this decent one of all three boys :)
This kid loves "punkinballs" which is what he calls pumpkins :) He gets them confused with basketballs, (which is understandable I think) so he combined the two together.
He mostly tried to throw them instead of to "pick" one.
Cute little Everton :)
Kingsley would not sit still & started whacking Everton on the head..
Poor E obviously didn't enjoy it.
A very photogenic family!
A nice "hay" ride minus the hay..
Probably the last photo as family of 3!
Here Kingsley is enjoying the ducks.
It was so nice to be outside and hang out with family. Wheelers farm has so much to do, including a maze, pumpkin patch, hayrides, and petting zoo. (Though of course Kingsley was horrified of all the animals besides the ducks.) I do have to mention though it does cost money to participate, which I didn't know until halfway thru that my dad had paid for our entry tickets (thanks dad!) Well hopefully my next post will be announcing our next baby!

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