Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kingsley in Mazatlan

Typing sounds really hard and boring at the moment, so this post will be mostly pictures. We took a trip to Mazatlan with our friends the Browns a little bit ago, & it was splendid yet exhausting. Traveling with babies is very tiring. The weather was lovely, and Kingsley really enjoyed the pool as you will see below.
The pool was perfect for King to be able to crawl around in the shallow end.
The three pictures are my favorite from the whole trip. I just love his little face.
Somehow Kingsley got ahold of some limes & loved chewing on them :)
We spent an evening in old town.
Another day we headed to the beach so the boys could surf.
How cute is Gweyn??
The food was delicious of course. I wonder how many pounds of chips & salsa I devoured all week?
Besides running out of formula at the end of the week, I think it was a successful trip. The kiddos were as fantastic as you could expect & we had a lot of fun.

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