Thursday, January 24, 2013


While browsing Pinterest I ran across this adorable fox and knew Kingsley (I) had to have it!! 
But alas what seems like almost always happens when I clicked on the link not only was it sold out, but a whopping $98!! I wish I was richer, but near a hundred dollars for a stuffed animal just wasn't happening!
So I had the (insane) thought "I can make that!"
 Who knows why I was so confident as I have beginner sewing skills and have never made a stuffed animal before? Making the fox from scratch turned out to be WAY more difficult than I expected. It took me almost 2 weeks during nap times to complete, and it definitely is not as cute as the original with plenty of mistakes and quirks, but what can you do.
Here made with lots of love.. and frustration is my own Mr. Fox :)
As you can see he is very "special."  Lopsided ears, upturned arms, showing threads :)
I was very nervous to present Mr. Fox to Kingsley..
but as you will see with the million photos below he was quite smitten with him..
for a whole 2 minutes :)
 Mr. Fox was definitely a rag doll :)
 Looks like they will be best friends for life :)
 He is not as nice as the original, but his little face does make you happy!
By the way just FYI, Kingsley is wearing:
bow tie - target (in stores)
button up top - 77 kids (old)
lime pants - target yes the girls section again :) I love these pants! They are soft & come in a bunch of colors.


  1. gah im so jealous of this little guys fashion!! lol . & you have some MAD sewing skills I'm giving you serious props right now. You have inspired me once again (the cardigan onsie) to try to make something new!! I think I may try another outfit of some sort :)

    1. You are too kind!! I would love to see whatever you make, send me the link for sure!

  2. Oh my goodness! I would not call those beginner skills! I think it is adorable! Your mr fox is way more meaningful!! I wish I could sew
