Thursday, January 31, 2013

Be Mine Valentine Cardigan Onesie

 Guess what I found?! My very favorite onesie prints! There were only a couple left so I snagged them all. 
With Valentines just around the corner I thought I better switch out the yellow trim for red, and i think it is the perfect outfit for this February the 14th!
 As you can see Kingsley was very excited to be wearing the "Be Mine" Cardigan :)
This would also be adorable on a little lady with some ruffled leggings or a skirt!
 He is for sure to impress the ladies with this little get up!
Kingsley is wearing:
Cardigan onesie- diesel in bloom shop
trousers- zara (old)
tie- childrens place
socks- gap (on sale in store)
 had to throw this one in, check out that drool! Ha teething babies eh?
 I was also able to add a couple more gold dot cardigans to the shop! Which would also be the perfect Valentine get up!
 And hurry and snag my #1 selling stripes ahead cardigan as there are only 4 left!
I also will be restocking the freshman cardigan.
So head on over to the shop to grab your little one something before everything is gone!

Kingsley is 8 months!

Seriously it seems like I just finished his 7 month post! 8 months just snuck on by, which is why I am a week late in posting..
No stats again until next month, but he definitely seems to be growing. According to our wii fit he is around 18 pounds right now. Seven to eight months has been a rough month for little bug as he got the saddest little cold, and is now cutting his first teeth :( 
A sick baby has really got to be one of the worst things in the world! He was only really bad for about four days, but I felt like I was loosing my mind listening to him cry all day without much sleep.
My little man sure is a little mover these days. He has mastered crawling, and follows me all over the place. His newest accomplishment is to pull himself up on things to a standing position. So with all his new skills I had to start baby proofing around the house to eliminate some of the heart attacks he was giving me! Safety first :)
Don't know if I can even get these shots anymore with his full body, as you can see I had to hold him down with my foot. 
This little guy is still a little jabbermouth, and besides saying dadada all the time he is now saying "goggie" meaning doggie. It is the cutest thing, so I guess I can forgive him that he still won't say any form of mom.
One of Kingsley's favorite hobbies these days is opening/closing doors, but mostly slamming it against the wall. I keep getting nervous he is going to slam his fingers in the door, but so far we have prevented any major injuries :/ 
Kingsley LOVES bath time! I swear this kid could sit in there all day long! Our tub is super deep so I have to get in with him, but I enjoy snuggling him while he relaxes. I can't wait for summer when I can take him swimming!
He no longer takes a binkie which makes me a little sad, but I guess it's easier not to have to break that habit. He loves his bottle and still breastfeeds some which is nice. He still is really bad at eating baby food though. He still just holds it in his mouth and lets it drip out, but I am determined to keep on trying!
Kingsley's schedule is pretty set these days which is nice.
I put him down around 7:30-8 and he sleeps a good 12 hours at night
8am- 8oz bottle & nurses
9am- attempt to eat baby food
9:30am- bath time
10am- nap time (1-2hrs)
12pm- 8oz bottle
1pm- another attempt to eat baby food
3pm- nap time
5pm- 8 oz bottle
6pm- yet another failed attempt to eat baby food
7-8pm- 8oz bottle & nurses before going down for the night
Don't you just want to eat his little face?? Love him!
See other monthly updates here.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


While browsing Pinterest I ran across this adorable fox and knew Kingsley (I) had to have it!! 
But alas what seems like almost always happens when I clicked on the link not only was it sold out, but a whopping $98!! I wish I was richer, but near a hundred dollars for a stuffed animal just wasn't happening!
So I had the (insane) thought "I can make that!"
 Who knows why I was so confident as I have beginner sewing skills and have never made a stuffed animal before? Making the fox from scratch turned out to be WAY more difficult than I expected. It took me almost 2 weeks during nap times to complete, and it definitely is not as cute as the original with plenty of mistakes and quirks, but what can you do.
Here made with lots of love.. and frustration is my own Mr. Fox :)
As you can see he is very "special."  Lopsided ears, upturned arms, showing threads :)
I was very nervous to present Mr. Fox to Kingsley..
but as you will see with the million photos below he was quite smitten with him..
for a whole 2 minutes :)
 Mr. Fox was definitely a rag doll :)
 Looks like they will be best friends for life :)
 He is not as nice as the original, but his little face does make you happy!
By the way just FYI, Kingsley is wearing:
bow tie - target (in stores)
button up top - 77 kids (old)
lime pants - target yes the girls section again :) I love these pants! They are soft & come in a bunch of colors.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My very own snow leopard :)

One of my favorite items Kingsley got for Christmas was this hooded towel from Pottery Barn kids.
 Isn't he the cutest little Snow Leopard??
I wish they came in adult sizes so I could have a warm & cozy thing to bundle up in!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Boys Boys Boys!

Every year we do a New Years Eve dinner with my family where we eat yummy crab! It's just delicious. If I had to choose a last meal before I die, I'm pretty sure it would be crab.
Anyways after dinner we snapped some photo's of all the boy cousin.
Which went surprisingly well..
Until Kingsley tried to eat Everton.. ha 
Can't wait for all these boys to get a little bit older so they can all run around and play together :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas was wonderful.
Love this little bug's face :)
We had Christmas eve at my parents.
We play a fun game where we bid on presents. We also draw names and exchange those gifts Christmas eve.
We headed over to the Kemps bright & early Christmas morning.
It was so nice to have everyone together! Teddy & Truman singing with their microphones :)
Kingsley got spoiled with plenty of presents, but this rocking lamb was his (my) favorite :)
I just die over the cuteness of Kingsley with his stocking Christmas morning!
Earl played a good trick on Jeremy by wrapping up a plunger in a golf club box ;)
We then stopped by my parents house in the morning before we headed home to put Kingsley to sleep.
After his nap Kingsley opened all his gifts from Santa and was very pleased :)
He especially loved to eat these circle blocks :)

Love this little guy in his christmas jammies :)
Can't wait for next Christmas!