Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Diesel in Bloom shop opened!

Exciting news! After much hard work, many trips to the fabric store, and a constant nagging husband I finally opened up shop!
I decided to go with big cartel, as it worked best for my needs. Here Kingsley is modeling a few of my favorites :)
The New Years Eve is probably my favorite with the gold trim!
And here is baby E in the Gold Dot Cardigan. (isn't she precious??)
I tried to make a variety of choices:
Make sure to check dieselinbloom shop on black friday as I will be adding Zig Zag Cardigan above & other surprises :)
Let the christmas shopping begin! I would love to hear which Cardigan is your favorite?


  1. You are so stinkin cute Cass! Love them all-- Big gold dot for me! Wishing I had a baby on the way... will definitely be using them as baby gifts! Congrats girl!

  2. wow these are SUPER cute. Much better than the ones I made for sure!! I had a lot of frustrating nights making some for my friends :(!!

  3. Do any of these cardigan onesie's come in adult sizes?

  4. How crafty are you?! I'm obsessed with these! I'm going to be ordering some since everyone I know seems to either have a babe or be prego!

  5. ummmmmm i think i'm going to buy out your shop! and i'm not even kidding!! these are the CUTEST things ever!! i'm buying them for future gifts and if i have future babies too! ;) lol.

    Sandy a la Mode
