Friday, September 28, 2012

Cardigan Onesies

So as you all know I love to craft. With Mr. Kingsley in my life it has been a lot harder to find the time, but then i saw THIS tutorial on Pinterest to turn onesie's into cardigans and I knew I had to make some!
They turned out even cuter than I expected! (which hardly ever happens)
So I ended up doing things a little bit different then the Feather's Flight tutorial. I am lazier then most and like to simplify things as much as possible. So I will walk you through the steps to make an easy, cute cardigan!

Supplies Needed:
-long sleeved onesie
-binding tape (this will be your cardigan trim)

1. First choose a onesie plain or patterned, they both work great. I found mine at Old Navy. Make sure to pre shrink them! This is a step I love to skip, but I always regret it later. Sew the crossover shoulder seams together.
2. Cut directly down the the center of the onesie and slant it slightly so it falls in between two snaps at the bottom.
3. Measure from the armpit to the center and make a mark. Then measure from the shoulder to the mark. If you want a deeper V measure down from the armpit an inch or so.
4. Cut out your V and all around the neck band.

5. Now here is where I took a different route. I decided to use a pack of binding tape to be the trim of my cardigan. This way I didn't have to iron & fold, or work with a stretchy fabric. My sewing machine does not do well with stretchy knit like fabrics. Seriously so much easier to use the pre pressed binding. So slide your onesie fabric in the middle of the binding and pin around the whole outside. Cut ends on a slant and fold underneath. Leave yourself about an inch on each end, which you can cut off later if you have too much excess left over. If you decide you would like contrasting trim on the cuff (I did with & without) cut the band off the bottom of the arm and pin binding around and overlap about an inch. This was probably the hardest part sewing around such a small opening.
6. Use a small straight stitch around the whole cardigan. Make sure you are sewing through both the binding tape and cardigan fabric.
7. I also made another shortcut here by overlapping one side of the cardigan over the other and sewing through both layers securing on the button. Measure and mark where you want your buttons, I recommend 3-4. I don't see any point to go to all the work to make button holes and all that for baby clothes. This way you wont have bunching in between and the V makes it easy to pull over their head.
8. Sew on buttons of your choice. You could even glue on buttons if you wanted to make it even easier!
Wahoo you're done! Now just find yourself an adorable baby to put it on!
 There is enough binding tape in the pack to trim two cardigans.
Throw on a collared shirt and a tie and your little one is dressed to impress!
They look super cute with pants or alone.
Seems like everyone I know is either expecting or has a little one, so these will definitely come in handy for gifts!
I have had a bunch of people email, or comment that they would be interested in having me make them a cardigan onesie :) I am seriously so flattered! I love to craft & would be more than happy to make one for you! I want to clarify that in no way was this my original idea, and if you would like to make your own, refer back to Feather's Flights awesome tutorial. 
I have opened up shop with big cartel! Please check them out and let me know what you think!
Here are some of my favorites:
So head over to the dieselinbloom shop to grab something for your next baby shower!



  1. So cute! And very professional looking too. I would never know that they were home made. Good job!

  2. These are so cute! I really love the colors and onesies you used! I'm so happy that you made some, and they definitely look store-bought!
    I would love it if you added a picture to my facebook page ( and link back to your blog and tutorial!

  3. Totally adorable. I love the color choices and can't wait to make some for my new boy. It is so hard to find find stuff to make for boys. Thanks for the tutorial . I would love to have you come check out my

  4. Sooo cute!!! I have 4 month old twin boys and was just starting to look for holiday outfits. What I've been finding is so over priced, and I need 2! So making these! Thanks!!

    Just thinking....if you Sew the buttons through both sides do you really need to sew the trim on both sides? Couldn't you just do the trim all the way down the front, but the back seam, just a few inches down from the "v"?


    1. Bridgett- That's so funny you ask about the trim, because I had actually considered that! (Anything to make it easier & cheaper right?) Not sure it would look as authentic as a real cardigan, but I'm sure it would look great! You should send me a link if you end up doing it..

  5. Unbelievably cute!!! I was hesitant to even look at this on pinterest, because it looked hard... but you make it look so easy! I'm not much of a seamstress, but I think I'm going to try. Thanks for the pics and easy tutorial.

  6. Saw this post on Pinterest, and I just have to say how DARLING they are! Your lil man is a doll, and I love how you take a simpler approach to the project! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Just saw this on pinterest and I had to jump over and check it out. These are sooooo adorable! I am having my newest little guy in a few short days and these are on my list now! Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Found this on pinterest if I ever have a boy I am making these! So cute, thanks for sharing!


  9. This is adorable. I am going to FINALLY invest in a sewing machine just because of this!

    Loved coming across your blog :) I have a little man coming in February, so I will definitely be back to read your posts!

  10. i seriously have never been more in love with a onsie before! i am having a little boy in february... i am SOOOO making these!
    oh man thank you so much for sharing!

  11. Would you consider making a few for me & selling them to me? I would pay for shpping

    1. Yes I have considered selling some... what size, and colors would you be interested in?

    2. I want some too!! I can't use a sewing machine :(
      Please email me if you sell them

    3. That would be amazing! My son is 6 months, and wearing 9 month sizes lol. I would say about 12 months. I love the creative designed/colors you have for your little man. Email me,

  12. <-- we sell them here too!

  13. I would love to buy these too! I think these colors are perfect!

    1. Please send me your email so I can send you a link when they are available!

  14. Absolutely LOVE these and would love to purchase some!

  15. I just made one :)!! I did it pretty much the same, but I glued :)

  16. I featured your onesies on my blog today! :)
    Here is a link:

    Also I'm a new follower! :)

  17. I would love some information about you selling these! They are so stinking cute!

  18. I am loving the onesies! Please email me the link when I can buy one.

  19. love love these! please email me at so i can buy a couple!

  20. I die. These are so stinkin cute! Can't believe you made it. I saw the Old Navy tag and was on my way to buy some...but kept reading:/ haha when I have a boy, you can sell me some too:)

  21. THANK YOU for this tutorial!! I followed the original tutorial and was successful making 2 cardigans, but not without much frustration! A friend passed your tutorial onto me and I was able to whip 4 more out in no time! THANK YOU!!!

  22. I would be interested in buying these! Please send me the pricing and shipping info.

  23. Hi,
    I adore these!! Are you still making them and if so can you please make me some?
    Please email me with info!!
    Thanks so much!

  24. your wonderful tutorial was featured in my 2012 Ultimate DIY Gift Guide (101 projects & recipes)!

  25. I'm kind of in love with the colors you chose! With the amount of boys in my husband's family, something tells me that I will end up making a bunch of these for our future boys.

    Found you through Limefish Studio (one of my projects was featured too) and I'm your newest follower!

  26. so cute! i love the simplicity of this tutorial and the updates you made to the previous one. where did you get those super cute suspenders... i want some of those too. I'll be making these cardigans for my baby boy soon.

  27. Let me know if you are still making and selling these. Just got invited to a baby shower for twin boys. How cute would they be in these?! I'm thinking 0-3 month size. Anyways. Let me know the price.

  28. I don't sew and I did this in an hour and a half and it turned out SO CUTE. I put a link from my blog to this tutorial in case anyone wanted a how-to. Thanks so much!!

  29. Great tutorial, this was super easy! I'm using my cardigan for my son's 4-month photo session, I can't wait to see how it turns out! :)

  30. question! where did you get the tie?

    1. I got it from a boutique called Sassy Babies here in Utah :)

  31. Thank you so much for posting this very easy to follow tutorial! I love that you used binding tape. Genius. My little boy looks like a cute old man in these and I love it!

  32. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial. It came out lovely hard time getting the trim to sew on near the snap but I blame it on me being a novice sewer. I can't wait to see it on my friend's face when she sees the onesie and bow tie gifts for her soon bundle of boy!!

  33. These look so much fun. I posted about them here:

  34. Thanks for the tutorial! I made some for a friend and have fallen in love with how cute and easy they are to make. I posted about them here:

  35. It feels awesome to read such informative and unique articles on your websites. onesies

  36. What kind (brand, size, etc) of binding tape did you use? I tried it with a quilting bias tape 1/2 inch double fold and it didnt come out right. Maybe cause the fabric on my onesie and the fabric on my bias tape are 2 different stretchinesses.

  37. Hy. i'd love to buy them. do you have some to sell? the link to your shop is not working. Please let me know. my email is thanks. lucia

  38. Really awesome dresses i really love this one, i want to also buy but after a month because some one special will coming soon i really decided to buy your product.
    Thanks a lot


  39. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial.I found your blog when I was looking for a different sort of information wonderful collection, but I was very happy and glad to read through your blog. The information available here is great.

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  40. These are adorable!! Are you still making them? The link to your shop didn't work. I'd be interested in one:

  41. First choose a onesie plain or patterned, they both work great. ...
