Friday, September 28, 2012

Cardigan Onesies

So as you all know I love to craft. With Mr. Kingsley in my life it has been a lot harder to find the time, but then i saw THIS tutorial on Pinterest to turn onesie's into cardigans and I knew I had to make some!
They turned out even cuter than I expected! (which hardly ever happens)
So I ended up doing things a little bit different then the Feather's Flight tutorial. I am lazier then most and like to simplify things as much as possible. So I will walk you through the steps to make an easy, cute cardigan!

Supplies Needed:
-long sleeved onesie
-binding tape (this will be your cardigan trim)

1. First choose a onesie plain or patterned, they both work great. I found mine at Old Navy. Make sure to pre shrink them! This is a step I love to skip, but I always regret it later. Sew the crossover shoulder seams together.
2. Cut directly down the the center of the onesie and slant it slightly so it falls in between two snaps at the bottom.
3. Measure from the armpit to the center and make a mark. Then measure from the shoulder to the mark. If you want a deeper V measure down from the armpit an inch or so.
4. Cut out your V and all around the neck band.

5. Now here is where I took a different route. I decided to use a pack of binding tape to be the trim of my cardigan. This way I didn't have to iron & fold, or work with a stretchy fabric. My sewing machine does not do well with stretchy knit like fabrics. Seriously so much easier to use the pre pressed binding. So slide your onesie fabric in the middle of the binding and pin around the whole outside. Cut ends on a slant and fold underneath. Leave yourself about an inch on each end, which you can cut off later if you have too much excess left over. If you decide you would like contrasting trim on the cuff (I did with & without) cut the band off the bottom of the arm and pin binding around and overlap about an inch. This was probably the hardest part sewing around such a small opening.
6. Use a small straight stitch around the whole cardigan. Make sure you are sewing through both the binding tape and cardigan fabric.
7. I also made another shortcut here by overlapping one side of the cardigan over the other and sewing through both layers securing on the button. Measure and mark where you want your buttons, I recommend 3-4. I don't see any point to go to all the work to make button holes and all that for baby clothes. This way you wont have bunching in between and the V makes it easy to pull over their head.
8. Sew on buttons of your choice. You could even glue on buttons if you wanted to make it even easier!
Wahoo you're done! Now just find yourself an adorable baby to put it on!
 There is enough binding tape in the pack to trim two cardigans.
Throw on a collared shirt and a tie and your little one is dressed to impress!
They look super cute with pants or alone.
Seems like everyone I know is either expecting or has a little one, so these will definitely come in handy for gifts!
I have had a bunch of people email, or comment that they would be interested in having me make them a cardigan onesie :) I am seriously so flattered! I love to craft & would be more than happy to make one for you! I want to clarify that in no way was this my original idea, and if you would like to make your own, refer back to Feather's Flights awesome tutorial. 
I have opened up shop with big cartel! Please check them out and let me know what you think!
Here are some of my favorites:
So head over to the dieselinbloom shop to grab something for your next baby shower!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

San Diego quick trip

Jeremy needed to head down for the Tijuana temple groundbreaking last month, so we decided to use our free companionship ticket & make a family trip out of it!
I was very anxious/nervous to travel with a baby, but honestly Kingsley did very well! The worst part was probably packing all his junk. 
He slept both ways on the plane. I was super annoyed on our flight home as we offered the girl sitting in between us the window seat. She then text her mom with her phone in plain view "Ugh sitting next to a baby!" Seriously how rude, when he hadn't even done anything, he never even made a peep. As you may have seen on my Instagram, I wanted to text my mom about that fact that she was way too chubby to be wearing spandex & had make up that looked a week old! So gross, I feel like we really got the raw end of the deal.
Anyways on a lighter note, Kingsley was very excited to get to hang out at his girl 
Samantha's house that was conveniently just up the road from our hotel.
 He also got to meet a new friend Eames. He was a little nervous hanging out with the older kids I guess.
 We walked to old town one of the nights for a delicious Sushi dinner. So great since I had been missing it all those months of pregnancy.
 The next day I meet up with Chris, Amy & the boys to go to the San Diego zoo. So sad I don't even have one picture of all of us, but it was a little hectic with how crowded it was! (Jeremy wouldn't let me take my camera on the trip with us so all of these are iphone pictures) Definitely one of the best work outs I've had in a long time walking around that place because it's so huge!!
That night we all headed over to Chris & Amy's hotel in downtown SD where they had the nicest pool. We were even ghetto & brought our own pizza.. ha
Rachelle & I pretended like we were on vacation in Hawaii :)
Moms & babies :)
Obviously I thought you couldn't see under the was a little cold.
That next morning we headed to the pancake house for breakfast with the Kemp clan.
Where I got a german pancake bigger than my child! It seriously was so huge, but I was happy I almost ate 3/4's of it :)
 That Sunday we headed over to the Tate's to BBQ & hang out.
 Kingsley hanging out with cousin Truman.
It was so fun to see our California friends and family. We miss them as we used to see them often when we would come up from MX to hang out. Good Times.
 We had so much fun that we all needed a good nap to recover ;)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Entertaining King

So now that King's older he very much likes to be entertained. Of course being held and talked to are his favorite, but these are a few of his 'toys' that he also enjoys.
 When he is very awake and alert he likes to hang out with his 'friends' as Jer & I call them. He lays on his play mat and just chats away. I would love to know what their conversations are about, but I give King some privacy. (I don't want to be THAT mom always hovering over him)
He is not in control of his hands just yet, but he does try to reach up and grab them.
He can stay with his friends for about 20 minutes, or until Diesel comes and sits on his face.
Mr. King also really enjoys his mamaroo. It was our first choice for a swing/bouncer and are so glad he loves the feel of it as much as we love the look of it. (baby stuff can be so cheesy) He usually chills in it while I am in the bath and getting ready.
I swear I always buckle him in, just not for his photoshoot. :)
I put this bib I had made for him on to keep his onesie dry before I took him somewhere.
I usually only put K in here when he is awake though he loves to sleep in it & listen to the waterfall sounds. I try to avoid putting him in it to sleep just so he gets used to his crib, but when I am getting desperate for a good nap I always know it is a for sure thing.
Lastly King obviously is still too young for almost all toys, but with his death grip that is constantly ripping out all my hair this little ball is his favorite.
 Sometimes he even likes to sleep with it :)
Well there you have it, things in Kingsley's world.. The life of a baby.