Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bye Bye Mexico

I'm sad to say I have forgotten a lot since the move to Utah, so I will just have to jot down all I remember. Some of the older couples that live at the Ranch (our gated community in San Felipe) threw us a little going away party Friday night. They were so sweet & a bunch of them gave us baby gifts. Three of them even hand knitted our little guy stuff. So nice, here is what we got:
We spent every last minute we could enjoying the great weather & our friends in Mexico. Monday morning we woke up at a whopping 3:45am to start the trek out of Mexico. Following the trailer we got to the border at around 7:00am. Things were going pretty smoothly until we got to the Uhaul across the border & the trailer we were supposed to move all our stuff into wasn't quite big enough. It spent Jeremy & our mover 3 hours to fit all the stuff in even though we had to send some stuff back because we couldn't fit it all. Then just our luck it started to drizzle on our way to San Diego. Jeremy tried multiple times to get a tarp over the stuff in the back of our truck but it just kept ripping, making the second half of our trip really sucky. The rain ruined a cream chair but the rest seemed to come away ok. Jeremy dropped me off at the SD airport to fly home while he finished out the rest of the driving with the company of two of his friends. I had a really awkward moment at the airport when I fell trying to lift my bag on the scale. I rolled my ankle & started crying out of embarrassment when I couldn't get myself back up and everyone started fussing over me. (I struggle, I cry when I get anxious or embarrassed) It caused a whole scene and they even tried to make me sit in a wheelchair. Not my favorite moment.
Jeremy arrived late Tuesday night after he had stopped in Vegas to golf. Yep, imagine that in the middle of moving across country my husband still finds time to golf. What a weirdo.
We are finally settled with everything out of bags & boxes. It of course made things a lot easier with all our family & friends here to help. Thanks to everyone for all your support helping us move, we really appreciate it and couldn't have done it without you! We also hope we never have to move again because man it is not much fun. Especially when it was snowing here in Utah!
Well I will be back shortly with a before & after of our new place :)


  1. Congrats on the move! You guys are going to have an exciting year - so thrilled for you!

  2. Cass email me at tiffaniebooker@gmail.com and I'll send you over my address! Hope the unpacking is going well! Can't wait to see pics...
