Friday, January 13, 2012

Coming Along

It seems crazy that the day has finally come that in a couple short months I will have a baby! I do not feel old enough or maybe grown up enough to have a child under my care!
As my mom can concur I have always looked forward to being pregnant. I used to stick out my belly pretending & it would make her really mad for some reason..
( I guess it's not really lady like) 
Well no more pretending my belly is really starting to stick out as I am halfway done at 20 weeks!
I was worried there for a while when it seemed I still wasn't making any progress & just looked a little pudgy instead of expecting. Well right before and after Christmas my stomach grew a ton very quickly. It was really exciting to start feeling the little one move & kick. Makes the whole thing seem a little more real when you can see & feel the proof that there is indeed a baby in there.

Now to answer some of your questions.. 
Morning sickness? I have been super lucky in the sickness department. I have only thrown up twice! Once when I ate sushi (I know I shouldn't have so I got what I deserved) & the other time doesn't even really count since I had the flu! Don't get me wrong there were days where I felt blah or incredibly tired but for the most part it has been a breeze. I personally think I use all my alloted sick days & more throughout the year so there were none left to use during pregnancy :)
Eating habits & cravings? Honestly my appetite has not changed much. If anything I eat a little less than I did before I was pregnant & have to remind myself to snack during the day. I just don't feel all that hungry? I do feel like my taste buds are heightened as I avoid foods I dislike a lot more. The one thing I can say I do crave is Salt & Vinegar chips. So buy me a bag of those & I will be your new best friend!
Weird dreams? Yep I have 2-3 a night. What a strange symptom of pregnancy. I sometimes wonder if it is just because you are not in a deep sleep since you are waking up so often to use the bathroom.
Delivery? NO I will not be delivering my child in Mexico! I will be delivering in Utah with Dr. Farley (who also used to be my old bishop) :)
and last but not least..
Boy or Girl? Yes we know the sex of the baby. We are very excited to be having a little..

Well there you have it. Now for the most important part. I really need your advice & suggestions!! Really anything would be helpful from where to find cute baby boy clothes to your favorite brand of diapers. Things you can't live without & things you wasted your money on. I would love any info you have for a first time mom!


  1. Favorite diaper- luvs. Everyone I've talked to who has boys,and myself, say to stay away from Huggies.

    LOVE aden & anais blankets, binky cases, children's place & gap do a good job at having boy clothes (so many stores cater to girls), and Dr. Brown bottles.

    If you have a specific question feel free to ask me!

  2. AHHHH I AM DYING OF EXCITEMENT OVER HERE! Congratulations! 1st you may be the cutest pregnant lady 2nd BOYS are the best :) 3rd I am so excited for you!!! And bravo for keeping quiet so long! I'll send you a list of my baby must-haves :)

  3. ohh fine cause I have a minute...
    I second aden+ anais blankets, I loved pampers swaddlers, and they smell so good too but hate the other kind of papmers, I'm a big costco wipe fan, lanolin if your nursing, buy depends for after delivery recovery (so wrong but lovely), 2 fav books were "Happiest Baby on the Block" and "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child' read the 1st before you HAVE the baby, I thought a breast pump was a must and think medela is the safest bet, spend the $ on the rocking chair/glider you want, baby bjorn (i had 2 different slings but used the bjorn most), I like chicco infant carseats(lighter weight), car seat cover, burp cloths, playmat (brig used his from like 2 months and still plays with it), get a travel size baby swing the full size ones are expensive, big, ugly, and are hard to move around and it maybe the only way you get a shower or dinner made most days, bumbo but the tray is a waste of money, boppy (real helpful for holding & nursing), bouncy seat (brig really only liked his for sitting in), im a fan of McLaren umbrella strollers and phil&teds and I am spoiled and think one needs both, hooter hider, I like the smell of baby magic lotion but some babies have sensitive skin then you need to go the Aveeno route. Oh and dreft... thats the laundry detergent your supposed to use. I LOVE IT!

    Clothes.... for infant babies little boutique stores have the cutest stuff. I like my babies to look really baby though so I didn't put brig in jeans till he was like 9 months. Gap infant is very cute, i like naartje baby, H&M has cute baby boy stuff, if you have the $ tea, miniboden, NEXT. TJ Maxx type stores usually have Ralph Lauren Layette which I adore, Janie & Jack of course... with boys its just a constant search

    whew... thats my 2 cents :)

  4. Cass Congrats on the boy!! They are so much fun! And I have heard nothing but awesome things about Dr. Farley so I'm sure you'll have a great experience. I would definitely spend the money on a good pump and a good travel system (I have medela and chicco too and I think it's worth the extra money). You'll be a great mom though and you are already such a cute preggo! I'm so excited for you!

  5. Ok you look SO freaking cute!!!!!!!!

  6. Congratulations on the boy to come! You look amazing for being 20 weeks!

  7. Congratulations! I loved having a boy first because I loved having a big brother. Plus, dressing a boy like a little man is so fun.
