Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the perks of home (utah)

One of the things that just makes my day when I am in Utah is to be able to call up a friend in the morning & hang out with them that afternoon! Seriously it feels like a miracle to have such access to friends. I just can't do that in Mexico.
A couple of weeks ago I got together with my HS best buddies for lunch at good ol Tasty's. Chanelle, Mecall & I were really tight our senior year.
It was so fun to chat & reminisce. 

My other favorite thing about Utah is to have my best buddy to do everything with. Yep I love to even run errands with my mom! We were cupcake testing & wasting all our money at Costco the particular day this picture was taken. Man that place is the best!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word I have seen MeCall in a century!! I'd love to hear how she's doing! Tell her hello for me next time you two chat? And we should get together one of these times you're here?? Ps, you and your mamma are adorable :)

    And...all your DIY stuff is awesome! My creative juices are bursting from the seams!! Love the paint chips pic!
