Friday, March 11, 2011


 How cute are these two?
I feel like I'm still trying to adjust to being back home from Utah.. I guess right after I left home my poor little grandma Ballam fell & broke her wrist as well as cracking her pelvis! It broke my heart to picture my grandpa dragging her inside the house on a rug to get her to the bed. (He hurt his shoulder & has lost nearly all his eyesight, so it would have been difficult for him) My Grandma is such a trooper & never complains at all. My Grandpa is the most loyal companion in the world, the two of them just really adore each other. As Jeremy let me cry on his shoulder, I couldn't help but hope we will be like that someday.
I am happy to say my Grandma survived surgery with flying colors & is now scheduled to have rehabilitation at the same place my Grandma Potter is staying! What are the chances? I'm happy that I will be home soon to go visit them both.
On a lighter note I wanted to recap the rest of our Utah trip.
Sunday night after the baby blessing & a nap, we headed over to a friends house to finish planning a trip.. Now it's official, we are going to:
I am so ecstatic! I just look up pictures all day! The furthest I have ever been from home is Fiji. Our main stops look like they will be:
Cinque Terre
The group heads home here & Jeremy & I continue on to:
We are so blessed to be able to take this trip. We figured we better go now while we have no kids! Besides Diesel that is ;)
Monday we got to have lunch with Jeremy's long time friend Matt & his wife Annie. They just got back from a 5 week trip around South America! It was fun to see the pictures & hear all of their stories, & defiantly made us more excited for our trip.
If any of you have been to any of the places above we would
to see pictures, here any suggestions, & know of any travel tips you may have. Even if you haven't been there you probably know way more than me, as I am very much geographically retarded! So please tell me what you would love to see or do most?


  1. Cass, I am SO jealous. SO JEALOUS!!! I have traveled to Europe many times, and I must say, you are headed to some of the very best places. So excited for you. You will love it!

  2. This is going to be so awesome Cass! When are you guys going? That is going to be our next big trip. Hopefully next year sometime if we're lucky! So my advice to you is this: PACK LIGHT!!! When I was packing for south africa I was like well I'm gonna want these shoes and these pants, these dresses, etc. If I had it to do over again I'd either pack a backpack (like the backpacking know, a little bigger) or just a roller suit case. I packed one of the huge rollers and a carry-on roller. It was a nightmare! I have other tips from our trip but this comment is getting far too long :)
