Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Superbowl 2011

So this weekend we really enjoyed watching the Superbowl. It was a little tricky because I didn't know who I wanted to cheer for. My family (dad especially) has always been a big fan of the steelers, but since I was young I have always loved the packers. I'm not sure what initially started it.. maybe my crush on Brett Farve or my love of cheese it's hard to say... They have just always been MY team. I even remember crying when the lost the superbowl in junior high. Apparently it was really sad for me. haha Anyways with my family steadfastly cheering on their steelers, the loss of Brett Farve, &  being married to a Bears fan I had lost a little of my loyalty to Greenbay. I decided to base who I would cheer for on something really important.. So I chose my favorite player from each team to compare &... this is what it came down to:
What can I say, there is a place in my heart for men with long flowing hair! (sorry Jer) I totally love watching these two play! In the end it looked like Clay had the hair of Samson. (he wouldn't let me cut it..) :)
Go PACKERS!!! Sorry Brett, you've been replaced by this hottie!
For those of you who aren't football fans I did think they had a lot of really good commercials this year! 
Our top 3 were:
1- Release the Hounds (Audi)
2- The Best Part (Dorito's)
3- Darth Vadar (Volkswagon)
Honorable mentions:
*Pug attack (Dorito's) Only because we have one of course :)
* Imported from Detroit (Chrysler) I've always been a fan of Eminem since I did a report on him in junior high.
There were many others that made us chuckle. Watch Super Bowl commercials here.
We also enjoyed the Black Eye Peas as the halftime. A little strange with the outfits & what not but definitely entertaining.
 Last but not least you may have heard that Christina messed up the words of the national anthem. I guess people were freaking out and *tweeting a bunch of mean things. I think she sounded lovely, & give me a break everyone makes mistakes & she recovered so well I barely noticed it.
*If you tweet I kind of want to kick you in the face. I mean maybe I'm not cool because I know it's very popular, but is it really necessary to publish your every thought, locational status, or plan on the web? Seems really annoying to me but oh well.


  1. Fun Fact: I was born in Greenbay!! Haha. I moved when I was 3 months old though, so I don't remember much, or anything actually.

    Everyone kept calling Clay Matthews my hair twin, I feel so honored.


  2. You're so good at blogging... How did you get that whole vs. thing? Amazing... PS I tweet and it's awesome. Don't kick me in the face k? lol
