Thursday, February 3, 2011

Birthday Prep

That's right, this Friday (tomorrow) is my boy's birthday! He will be turning 33. He says he is noticing more white in his scruff to prove it. I'm pretty sure I am way more excited than him. As you can tell by all the wrapping & decorations. I love him & I want him to have the best day so I put in a lot of effort to make that happen... Well & to keep me entertained :)
First off I finally used the cake pops book I got for xmas! I can't say they they turned out perfect because they defiantly were not the perfect round balls it shows in the pictures.. but Jeremy says they taste yummy which I guess is all that matters!
Diesel really wanted one :)
The gifts. I got the wrapping paper at the container store & added some yarn & a birthday card in the same color palette. Crossing my fingers that he likes what's inside these as much as I like the outsides.
Last but not least I thought Jer really needed a birthday banner. He actually really liked it & said it was very festive.
We are excited to celebrate his birthday up in California with his brother. They have the same birthday exactly a year apart, crazy huh!


  1. Love the wrapping! That container store was so dope! Miss and love you! Tell Jer Bear (and Chris) happy birthday!

  2. Could you be any more creative or crafty?! Any time I go on your blog you have such fun things you are doing. It's nice you have that has a passion because it keeps you entertained, you can give it to other people and make stuff for yourself. I wish I had a more creative side to me.....I guess I'll just have to stick to baking. :)
