Monday, October 4, 2010

Home is where the heart is.

The last time I was in Utah, I took a little trip down memory lane & visited all the old houses I used to live in.
Here are the houses & a few memories that come straight to mind:
1039-This is the first house I can remember living in. I became friends with Chanelle here because her mom cleaned our house. The Hunsaker's were the neighbors we hung out with, & Lori Godderidge used to tend me while my mom was at school. I remember hanging in the cubby hole in our house, but besides that I mostly remember playing in the "forest" in our back yard. Maideh Salleh also became my best friend while I lived here, though I was always sad she never dared having sleepovers. She would get scared in the middle of the night & call her mom to come get her. I vaguely remember going to preschool & kindergarten in this house. I recall our aunt cammi watching us in this house. She would always take us to garage sells, & I thought it was the most exciting thing ever. I also remember Hayley, Tanner, Lindsay, & I staying up all night playing donkey kong which was our favorite.

Sommerset condo's- (We were in the one on the far left) I loved living here during elementary school. At one point almost all my friends lived here. Maideh Salleh, Rachel Roundy, Nikki Schriver, Whitney Emery, & Blair Roundy. Also Chanelle's grandma lived in the condo's so she was here often as well. I remember loving the summers playing at the park & swimming at the pool. We loved playing shark & categories. All of us girls were in what we called the "pickle club" which basically just meant we would have a picnic with pickles :
) I remember playing with Nick & Asaad a lot outside. I also remember every morning waking up early so I could finish my piano so I could head over to blair's (which was just across the grass diagonal from me) so we could play the fly swatting game on mario pant. We had to sneak it so my brothers wouldn't know. I remember our dog skittles who Tanner would provoke him to bite & we had to give him away. (Which later we found out my parents put him to sleep.) I remember riding the school bus, & if we were lucky & Blair was off track, she would come pick you up in her barbie jeep. I always felt so cool riding home in that, though I'm sure I could walk faster than it could drive :) I remember Sunday's after church we would always race home with the Salleh's. It would be my dad driving against Maideh!? Yes for some reason they let her, the youngest child drive. I have to say she usually beat us too. I remember staying after school at knowlton with my mom. I felt so lucky to get to use any supplies I wanted to paint, color & make books that I still have. Mostly about winnie the pooh.
1087- I believe I resided in this house from elementary to junior high. We loved moving here because we got to stay in this ward which is still my favorite. It included families such as the Timothy's, Martineau's, Winterton's, Daley's, Law's, Stephen's, Salleh's, Woods, Heath's, Staples, Mayne's, Salgado's & many more that I am sure I can't remember right now. I recall babysitting Prezley often, not watching her well so she would wonder off. Oops! I remember owning Pugsley & loving to play with him. I remember walking over the fence to jump on Julianne's tramp. I loved to dance on the sports court & look at all the colorful splats on the fence that Nick had shot with his paintball game. I would always go across the street to Alex's house to run from her big wolf dog & play with her in her little tree house. I remember jumping the fence at the Daley's to go over to Maideh's house. I remember hanging out with Amy Smith at her house, & Rachel at her house a lot in Junior high. I remember we all loved to go down our stairs in a sleeping bag. I liked to give Tanner & Parker tasks for money, & then we would head down to Cherry Hill where there used to be a gas station and buy treats. I remember getting to travel to watch Landon play soccer, & thinking he was so good. (he was) I also remember the most traumatic day of my childhood when Pugsley was attacked right in front of our eyes by another dog. I remember the day an old couple came to get him & crying on the bus on the way to school. I was so happy the Hassan's (our cousin's) moved into this house & still live there now so we can still visit it :)
1318- I lived in this house in high school & some of college. I remember moving to this house & being so sad we were so far away from all our friends in our old ward & neighborhood. We did however really like our new neighbor's the Farley's & the Cooper's.  It also was very convenient Dusty Hunt lived down the street. We would both have sleep over's at our houses & then all sneak out to hang out. Except I can't really call it sneaking out because I would always ask my mom. I remember Jesse Felsted picking me up at the crack of dawn to go to Dette's. Nick took me home from school. He also picked me up on the weekends which I was glad because then I got to stay out till his curfew not mine. We would watch movies together when we got home which was fun, & occasionally talk about boys/girls we liked. Until he dated me friend Lindsay Mounteer. I remember hanging out with Jodie a lot at this time. I loved my room & tumbling in the sports court. It was nice when I started nannying for the Cooper's, & could just walk to work. I remember playing with Prezley, but loving baby Jaxon! I was always so happy to see him when I came home from school. I remember dating & dances. I hung out with Mecall, Chanelle, Ashley, & Jodie the most. I remember the most from this house because I was older & it was the most recent. We moved from this house while I was living away at college.
1228- This is the last & most current house. I didn't actually live here long, just before and after I was in Hawaii. It does feel like home. It was the last place I was before I got married :) I love coming home & being able to hang out with my parents. The downstairs is cold & dark which makes it perfect for sleeping. There are plenty of memories that will be made in this house. When I see it I just think of my family & how great it is to be all together even though we have new additions & are all at different points in our lives.

Of course I lived in a few other houses, in college & Hawaii but maybe I will deal with those later. I feel like I had a camera to better document my later life. These are just the things I remember though I'm sure my brother's & sister would come up with totally different things which I would love to hear someday. I didn't mean for this to turn into a biography or anything, but it was so nice to write down just some of the memories in the houses I lived in. Even though I know there is so much more & I forgot a lot. I know someday I will forget even more memories or they will fade. (Unless you wrote them in a journal, which I did not.) So I would highly suggest to you that you take a little trip down memory lane, you won't regret it!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love this. I remember us saying prayers while playing the fly swatting game so that we could beat the big hornet that popped up towards the end. So funny. I also think we should maybe start another pickle club, it had a great purpose.

    And what about the dance camp we had in the backyard of your house with the sport court. I swear it was called Daisy Dancers or something funny like that. Oh and the calendar we made there. Oh gosh, I could do this all day.

    So many fun memories! I'm so glad to have had such great friends growing up, and to still be in touch with so many of them now.

  2. I know isn't it crazy how many of us there were in the same grade, dancing together & living so close! I swear we had the best childhood! We should totally start up the pickle club again. Maybe your mom can fund our 1st meeting since she still owes us? haha

  3. It's fun to see your old houses! I remember the 1039 house for some reason i think of courtney! I just puts me back in time and i like it

  4. such found memories of your house i lived in with you. i couldn't have picked a better house and family to work for. it's so fun to read your blog. you seriously are such a fun and amazing person. it's still so weird to think you have grown up and are married. just know i'm not a huge commenter on blogs but i read yours often and think you are hilarious. tell you family hi and i love them. i guess we will see each other at the next family party:)

  5. Love this. So many of my memories of Nick and I dating and falling in love and getting engaged is in the the old house, and now so many new memories have been made in the new house! It's crazy how a place can invoke so many thoughts and feelings.

  6. Oh my! So many fun memories! I totally remember having photo shoots all the time at the house by the condo's. I'm sure you have plenty of pictures of me in my most awkward stage possible. I so want to go back to those days! Even if I was hideous and never said a word.

  7. i love this post! what a great thing to document! and you really have a good memory!
    i have over 2 dozen full journals since i was 8 years old and it's a good thing cause i forget things from years past...someday i will have to browse thru them (which is always really entertaining and hilarious!!)
