Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Anniversary: Dating.

Jeremy & I had an interesting dating dynamic because it was long distance the entire time. I met Jer in California on a way to a cruise in april 08 I believe. We had our first date July 6th though Jer will say it was the 5th. Anyways we kept dating and decided to be exclusive right before I moved to Maui, Hawaii. We continued dating & he visited me 3 times while I was there. I moved back to Utah & we traveled back & forth until we got engaged in April 28th (So I don't forget.) It was perfect for me how it all worked out, because I had always been afraid of commitment. So living far away helped me get over that. Also I feel like we got to know each other so well because we couldn't always hang out, go on dates, or be affectionate physically. We had to totally rely on phone conversations & texting to get to know each other. Here are some pictures of that lovely time when we dated:
My first visit to San Felipe.. DUN DUN DUN!
Celebrating Jer's birthday.
Hanging out in Hawaii.
Halloween, & Landon/Meghan's wedding.
Celebrating my birthday in Oahu. (1st time he said I love you Dec 12th)
Running a race in the pouring rain.
Our first V-day.
On the Duffy in Newport.
So funny looking back on all these pictures. It seems so strange how things all worked out. I never pictured I would be married to a guy like Jer or living in Mexico for that matter. I guess God just knows what's best for me, because I couldn't be happier or picture my life without him :)
Anniversary countdown: 4 days left!


  1. LOVE the pictures! You two look good together! Congrats on your first year, and many more to come!
