Sunday, August 3, 2014

California trip photos 2014

This post is all mixed up with photos from different days..
These first couple photos below are from Sunday night when we stopped by Chris & Amy's after we flew in.
Kingsley loved this swing they had in their backyard.
On Friday I think it was, Amy and the boys came down and we all went to the zoo.
We rode the bus to see a lot of the animals.
Kingsley really liked the hippos.
Kingsley was exhausted of course and fell asleep on the way home.
And here are some more sleeping pics of Kingsley. These were on our way home. Jeremy got upgraded on both fights and took Kingsley with him up to first class. He was obviously exhausted from the trip.
And here he is the next morning passed out in our bed.
Here are some pics of the plane ride to California. It was tough keeping little Huddy Buddy entertained..
Kingsley and Jer asleep in first class :)
These next couple photos are just randoms at the house.
So now back to Tuesday morning. Jeremy had to go down to Tijuana for work, but the rest of us hung out and swam.
They had a play set that Kingsley liked to swing on :)
Love this sweet smile.
Now back to Tuesday night at the house. Wes, Rachelle & Samantha came over and everyone had fun swimming in the pool. We had a delicious tri tip with corn and watermelon.
I made King a little Euro suit for the trip, it ended up being a little small.. but i can't get over his cute bum cheeks hanging out ;)
So sad this photo isn't focused on Hudson's smiling face.
This baby loves to have room to roam around.
I just want to squeeze him!
Huddy likes to squeeze faces. It hurts.

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