Monday, August 12, 2013

Kingsley the fish

After my Lake Powell post I was feeling very badly that I didn't have any pics of my Kingsley in a bathing suit, since it is probably the cutest thing ever. So the other day I brought my camera to Oakridge with us to grab some candid shots.
 Tanner was nice enough to take him in the deep end..
Seriously check out that cheesy smile, so freaking cute!
 He is so photogenic just like his dad.
 This little peanut loves to wear hats. :)
 I need to write a post to update all the fun things he has been up to lately. Maybe next nap time :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lake Powell with the Kemps

Looking through these pictures just makes me sad, because as you can see there are basically none! I mean really this picture below is the only one I have of King :(
 I have been super bad at taking pictures lately, maybe it's from being tired and pregnant but I'm really just out of the habit.  This definitely wasn't the smoothest Lake Powell trip as you can see from the next couple pics..
Yep this is the outdrive of the houseboat ripped right off! The water was super low and Earl drove over a rock/sandbar. This all happened while Jeremy and Chris were stranded on the ski boat because it had starter issues.
So basically a lot of time was spent trying to fix all the broken boats. We only had one working jet ski!
 Surprisingly with all the issues and kids we survived with no issues. Though we were basically stranded we had lots (maybe too much) wonderful food.
 And a fun time hanging out with family.
Well hopefully next trip we will have better luck, but I think we made the best of the situation and Kingsley enjoyed himself and decided to start walking all over the place!