Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Island Park

Straight from Jackson Hole we headed to Island Park to stay at Vaughn's grandparents cabin. The cabin was old school & homey with a beautiful view right out to the lake. You walked down a steep hill to this dock.
We weren't on the boat much, but Kingsley did enjoy it and fell asleep both times :)
 Jer happy with himself after pushing Brooke in
 Emmy being too cool :)
 Vaughn enjoying surfing
 Jeremy also having a good time :)
 Celebrating Birthdays and such
 These recliners were the best things in the world! Seriously I wanted to just sit and rock Kingsley in them all day long they were so comfy. Wish I could find a cute version.
 Jer & Kingsley were sick which put a damper on things, but K still partied :) He loves to practice standing up.
 Still such a happy guy
 Sorry for the picture overload, but it's his favorite outfit & he wanted to show it off :)
 Family photo :)
 Bundled up for the night boat ride
 It was so fun getting to take a family & friend vacation, but we were exhausted once we got home! Even baby King needed a full day to recuperate!
Thanks Schoutens, the lake house is the best.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jackson Hole

So this year my grandparents graciously paid for our whole family to reunion up at Jackson Hole for a couple days. They seriously are the greatest!
Though I don't have pictures to prove it, the first day was my favorite. We went & rode the river. Meghan & I switched of watching these cute kiddos.
It was a little scary at times and made my tail bone a little sore (yes the darn thing still isn't healed!) but was so much fun!
That night we headed over to the county fair for some good white trash fun :)
Jeremy won this money ball playing hoops. Don't even want to know how many germs that thing has!
Kingsley enjoyed himself in the bjorn :)
I don't know why I thought it was so funny that this pigs butt looked so human. I know I'm super mature..
Tons of classy scenery of course
Fun with the Fam.

The next day everyone treked into Yellowstone. I have to say besides my mother the rest of my family is not super out-doorsy. We definitely did not wake up super early to get on the road. But we were more than happy to see an animal or two.
Jeremy & I were lucky enough to have my grandparents along for the ride. They sure are the sweetest, & Kingsley & Tacy became the best of friends. I was so glad he did really well in the car & hardly cried at all. He & my grandpa took a couple naps :)
We stopped here & there to look at scenery & stretch our legs.
When we finally arrived at Old Faithful I have to say we were not impressed. Oh well, at least we can say we have been there. It was a long day of driving, but the company was lovely. 
The last day we headed over to Teton to go on a hike. It was nice to be out in the fresh air.
The waterfall was beautiful of course, but pretty crowded with people.
Hawkes thought it was the best ;)
Kingsley again did wonderful strapped on to Jer.
I stayed down to feed Kingsley as the rest of the family headed up to this lookout point.
That night we headed to a chuck wagon dinner. I was pretty sad when I figured out I wouldn't be riding in a wagon.. Who knows why I thought that was what was going to happen.
We had a big crew covering three tables. It felt sorta like a zoo with all the noise & people everywhere.
K wasn't sure about all the noise so we ended up taking him out most of the time so he could sleep. The food wasn't great but the entertainment was phenomenal! Really talented musicians.
Hawkes loved feeding the horses outside
I'm sad we never got a picture of the whole family, but it was so hard to get everyone together especially now that so many of us have kids running around. Even though it wasn't such a great place for a baby, Kingsley did wonderful and I'm glad we got to spend time with family. I'm so grateful to have the best grandparents in the world who are so interested in every part of my life & love me flaws & all. Thanks to Nicole for planning the trip & getting everyone together!