Sunday, May 27, 2012

Family photos

Before they headed off to Texas for the summer I got to snap some family photos of Landon, Meghan & Hawkes!
Hawkes doing his "big smiles" face :)
I will miss you guys tons, and will be patiently awaiting your return!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ballam/Hansen baby shower

This is the last baby shower I am going to blog about, I promise :) My aunt Pam threw me the most wonderful baby shower where we invited my mother's side of the family, Jeremy's Hansen side of the family and friends of both our parents. It was quite the mix of people, but so awesome to have everyone come and support us.
Pam's decorations were so adorable & fit for a little gentlemen :)
The food was yummy, I especially loved the home-made raspberry butter!
We were beyond spoiled with presents, everyone was so generous!
haha Prezley's face in this picture..
these pictures aren't so great since I entrusted Jeremy with my camera..
We got so many sweet hand made items. Those Hansen aunts are so crafty :)
I was sad Jeremy didn't get any pictures of his side of the room with his mom, aunts & grandma Hansen :(
Don't mind that I couldn't quite cross my legs in the picture below, but you have:
myself, my mom, aunt Pam, and my grandma Ballam who came all the way from St. George to attend.
Thanks Pam for al the time and effort you put into my baby shower you are the best!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

DIY fabric painted onesies

I better get this blog all caught up since I am running out of time before this baby comes! I have been making a bunch of different things for the little man, but I have to say these fabric painted onesies are my favorite!
They really are super cheap & easy. Items needed for this DIY:
-blank onesies. I got most of mine from Walmart except the black one I got at Hobby Lobby.
-fabric paint. Can be found at any craft store, but I picked mine up at Micheals.
- stencil sponges & paint brushes.
- stencils. I used this stencil by Martha Stewart.

I first got the idea from this blog & thought that seems easy enough! Well since I have been loving gold lately I decided to try that out first. I saw a spray on fabric paint & thought that seemed way easier & faster than doing it by hand.
After two different attempts with the spray fabric paint I gave up because for some reason no matter how many times I read the directions & did everything they said it still bleed through. Plus after being washed it faded a ton. So I made the trip back to the craft store for the regular fabric paint & found it to be much better. I even saved this onesie by painting over the bad spots.
Not that you really need any because it is so simple, but I will tell you what I did anyways.
1- pre-wash all onesies. Your pattern will shrink, wrinkle & deform if you skip this step!
2- make sure to put cardboard or something thick in the middle of the onesie so the paint doesn't seep thru and so you have a flat space to paint on.
3- tape down stencil as flat as possible (if you are using one)
I made some of my own stencils using thick paper & stencil cut outs from the craft store. You can only use them once, but I found them to work really well.
4- use a sponge brush to dot on paint. remember less is more, if you use too much paint it is more likely to seep under your stencil.
5- use a small paint brush to apply paint to the corners or small spaces.
6- pull off stencil, paint on touch ups & let dry for an hour or so.
And wala you have a fun new onesie in just your style!
The possibilities are endless for customizing your own onesies. You can use colored onesies to paint on:
and choose any color or pattern combination! (this one may be my favorite :))
you of course can paint free hand as well, but I found that to be more difficult for me.. Notice the unevenness of the left side of this onesie?? haha
Well I may have gone a little overboard with painting onesies, but the ones I don't keep will work as great gifts!
hope this baby kemp loves gold & neon :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Life Lately according to my iphone

We made it to Lagoon for the first time this year. Yes we are proud season passport holders. Jeremy hasn't caved yet, but I believe he will at some point.
Meg & Landon wanted Hawkes to fit right in with the Lagoon crowd so here he is sporting a jersey & a ponytail.
As you can see he loved it..
Jeremy bless his heart has not been all that helpful with the baby preparation, but I did get him to put together a few things. Here he is putting together our bookcases. You can see Diesel is really concerned with what is happening. I think he may sense he will not be our only child anymore.. He has already started to act out by ripping up a package of diapers & claiming a stuffed animal as his own chew toy. Poor guy doesn't know what's coming!
Also after much begging from me, Jeremy finally put together the stroller that Chris and Amy gave us. We are so excited to use it!
So with the weather heating up we have made it to the "pool" a couple days :) Yep I plopped my fat pregnant butt in with all the kiddos.
I have to say again how much I love our house & being able to walk in the back yard & hang out with everyone.
Especially since my cousin Brooke will make us snow cones occasionally which really hit the spot!
We had a blast celebrating Cinco De Mayo with our friends Matt & Annie this year.  
The boys made delicious carne asada. As you can see Jeremy (& I) dressed up, we were feeling very festive.
I suppose I have been nesting.. Using my skills acquired from working at Abercrombie back in the day folding and perfectly spacing hangers in the babies closet :)
note: this photo was taken before I spaced his clothes out. And yes he has more clothes than his father.
I now sport canckles most days.
Last week I headed up to St. George for a short visit to see my Grandparents & bring them back for my baby shower. It was so fun to hang out with them & our family that lives down there. It was a little too hot for me, but they were such great hosts & even got us girls pedicures :)
And last but not least we celebrated Mother's Day yesterday. We went to our sacrament as well as my parents to listen to my mother & Prezley sing. They did an awesome job, especially Prezley since she was up all night & that morning throwing up! I was so excited to finally use the chocolate fountain Jeremy & I got when we were first married. At first it was a little tricky, (probably because I didn't read the instructions all the way through oops.) But in the end it worked great & we will have to pull it out more often because chocolate covered anything is delicious!

We of course love our Mom's and all they do for us. Love you guys, & hope I can be half as good as a Mother as both of you are!
I'm sure plenty of other things have been happening, but these events were what I had documented with my iphone :)