Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving in Mazatlan

Well we just returned from Mazatlan where we spent Thanksgiving with the Kemps. It seems I am always destined to be in Mexico since I married into a family of Mexico lovers. Obviously Jeremy has lived in MX now for 9 years & speaks fluent Spanish, Earl works with & owns property in MX, & Chris speaks spanish and went on his mission to Mazatlan. Yep I'm doomed.. ha Anyways our trip was exhausting at times but fun nonetheless! 
We spent lots of time hanging out at the house
we mostly ate at the house or the golf club house, but we did make it to our favorite  Cuchupetas twice.
to get this yummy dish
Jeremy & Earl mostly golfed. While by mostly I mean every day.
the girls relaxed by getting pedicures & massages.
On the warmer days we had fun at the pool. Truman was like a little fish, he loved it!
I am so sad I was so bad at taking pictures of our trip but especially of Teddy & Truman seeing the turtles because they were obsessed with them.
I was determined to have a traditional thanksgiving feast so we headed to the mega in town. They didn't have all the things we wanted but Chris saved the day by bringing the stuffing & gravy. The turkey (if you can even call it that) on the other hand was a total disaster! Take a look what we found when we sliced it open...
Seriously talk about disgusting! I guess we should have been suspicious when the lady asked us if we wanted it sliced. The boys said it tasted like turkey, ham and nuts. Weird.

Big E wanted some family pictures so we figured might as well take them in Mazatlan. Since the ones of the whole family are part of his Christmas present I won't spoil it by posting it now. Here is a cute one of the Kemp boys:
and Chris, Amy, Truman, & Teddy.
Big E and Sandy
other fun activities included going to the beach. 
Jer & Truman showering off after making sand castles.
this little guy is so sweet. He loves his uncle Jeremy to death & it is so cute!
Jeremy & I are so thankful for family.
Hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Weekend Wedding

This weekend was packed full with friends, family & a wedding! Jeremy was a groomsman for his very good friend Chris Tate. So we stayed in San Diego with our friends Wes & Rachelle which was so much fun. Wes was also a groomsman.
On Friday I went with Sandy, Chris and the little boys to Disneyland! Jer & Earl were off golfing of course. Earl & Sandy were also in town for the wedding. We had so much fun. The weather was great and I love being there during Christmas time when all the decorations are up. Wish I had some pictures from our day.
Saturday we headed to the sealing at the San Diego temple. It was so neat being there at the sealing. It reminded me of the day Jeremy & I were sealed & how nervous & overwhelmed I was. Afterwards it was pouring rain so we didn't really take pictures. That night we ate at a nice restaurant with the view of the ocean. My husband had tons of fun talking and joking with everyone. He sure is a social butterfly.
Sunday Rachelle & I just relaxed while the boys headed back up to San Diego for a brunch.
Monday (A day I finally have pictures of) was the wedding dinner. Megan's mother did all the decorations and the place looked great. I thought it was so fun that she chose a peacock as the theme with colors and everything.
I loved the little touches of golf stuff for Chris :)
Here is the beautiful head table overlooking downtown San Diego.
Dessert table
Place settings
Loved these monograms on the back of Chris & Megan's chairs

Everything was so lovely
I loved the elegant decorations, but was glad the dinner was very casual and fun. They started off by bringing around appetizers & sparkling cider which I love!
Deanne, Rachelle, & I
Jeremy with his fellow bald friends :)
The beautiful bride & groom. You can't tell by this picture, but her hair was amazing especially in the back. I thought her bouquet was super original too.
Groomsman Wes & Jeremy with Chris & Megan.
They had a short program where a few were allowed to speak.. I was so proud of the sweet things Jeremy said about his friend & that he didn't embarrass him! (Ha the bride was very nervous to let Jeremy have the microphone)
I wish I got a picture of all the bridesmaids in their pretty dresses but below you can see our favorite bridesmaid Megan Hanks talking.
It was so fun to get all dressed up.
We are so excited to welcome Megan into our little crew of friends & are so happy for Chris. The wedding festivities were awesome & we were so happy to be a part of them.
Me, Jeremy, Megan, Chris, Wes, Rachelle
Don't you just love weddings?? I know I do! We are so excited because after Chris & Megan get back from their Europe honeymoon, we all head over to Hawaii for a little fun!!
Congrats Chris & Megan! We wish you all the best!

Monday, November 14, 2011


As Jeremy left Utah early to head down to MX for a bachelor party I was getting restless during the days when my family was at work & school. So I was so excited to babysit Hawkes one day while his parents went out. As I have mentioned previously he is so easy. Very busy but fun and always happy. 
He played pleasantly in his crib while I vacuumed up some spilled fun dip. (Drives Jeremy crazy because I spill often, sometimes in our bed.. oops. But that is the treat that can always be found in my purse. Makes me happy though that my purse always smells like sugar :))
I tried to get Hawkes to play dress up..
but apparently he doesn't like to wear these tiny boots just chew on them..
Hawkes after getting bored with his toys decided he wanted to play hide & seek.
I guess it wasn't that hard to find him after a while since he kept hiding in the same place!
It was so cute, he would wait a minute behind the curtain & then pop his head out and laugh, then cover himself back up.
Simply adorable if you ask me.
Glad he kept me entertained. Love this little fellow!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hallows Eve

So halloween was really relaxed this year. Jer golfed while I ran errands with my mother. At night Landon & Meg brought their little monster over to hang out. Though he couldn't be more opposite than his costume. This little one always has a smile on his face, never cries, is always friendly waving at everyone & will let anyone play or hold him! Seriously he is an angel baby! Anywho that night we mostly just watched football and hung out.
 Later in the evening we took Hawkes over to trick or treat at Grandma & Grandpa Ballams. My grandpa is so cute and always gets down on the floor to play with the little ones.
Hawkes had fun showing off for them.
And to prove I made some effort to dress up, here I am as an indian.
It's always more fun spending holidays with family :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween prank

I seriously can't wait to do this to my kids one year. I have watched this a million times, and every time I laugh.
How funny are the last two little boys?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Paartay

So last Sunday my mom threw her annual Halloween party, it was a blast! We rounded up all our close by family and had a great time. We had a bunch of delicious food including soup in pumpkin bread bowls. This year my mom decided to make it a lot more interactive by doing a bunch of minute to win it games. It was really fun, we split up by families and changed stations to different challenges:
1- here you had to shake all the balls out of this box by dancing :) My dad almost broke a chair by getting a little too enthusiastic!
2- here you had to throw as many airplanes into the basket as possible
3- I was particularly bad at this challenge where you had to carry tiny balls on a popsicle stick and drop them in a cup.
4- ping pong cup stacking
5- starburst stacking
And plenty of other fun games. It was a little crowded, but so fun to see family. 
Landon, Meg & Hawkes in their costumes.
Hawkes rocked the most adorable monster costume.
Tanner this lovely wig & outfit. Hawkes wasn't so sure about it here..
So glad I have a party planning momma! We had a blast & can't wait for next year :)