Friday, October 28, 2011

Harry Potter vs. Twilight

haha.. had to laugh about this!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


For some reason Halloween has really snuck up on me this year. Every year after halloween I always have awesome ideas of what I should be the next year but always end up forgetting them. I'm too late this year (or perhaps just too lazy) to come up with anything spectacular to dress up as. However I fell in love with these pictures of a beautiful red velvet cape & wanted to post them for inspiration for next year.
I have actually always wanted a red cape anyways, so it could be a win win! Diesel doesn't really fit a "wolf" dog, but maybe he would consider dressing as one for a day. Jeremy would totally be an awesome wolf grandma. He does enjoy wearing dresses!
Exhibit A:
These were taken in 2008 when Jeremy & I were dating while I lived in Maui!

As I was searching through my iphoto I couldn't help but grab some of these pictures of halloweens past!
left: my most beloved childhood halloween where my mother painted our faces with glitter paint. right: Jaxon as a mermaid :)
2008: Diesel as a Devil.. sometimes it still suits him 
One of our most creative halloweens, when my roomates & I dressed as the Spice girls. I was baby spice if you can't tell. haha
Landon as David Bowie in the Labryinth :)
and some very old costumes of Nick & Landon. Gotta love old photos :) Sorry Tanner & Prez I didn't have any halloween oldies of you..
Hopefully this has brought you some halloween cheer!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Husband Repellent

There is nothing my husband hates worse than this..
He loathes this high waisted swimming suit I am wearing more than anything. Seriously he gags when he sees me wearing it. I'm not sure what he finds so disturbing about it, or all high waisted things in general. I have a pair of high waisted pants that he also despises. I try to tell him it's cool, but he strongly disagrees. He thinks I am purposely trying to look ugly? Is it just my husband, or are high waisted things just husband repellent in general?
Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Scrapbook Challenge

For Jeremy's Grandmothers 80th birthday each family was asked to make a scrapbook page. We are so sad we can't make it to the actual party, but can't wait to hear about it and see all the other pages the rest of the family did.
I was glad to have plenty of supplies left over from our wedding in Mexico with me.
 Here is what we came up with. (yes "we" Jeremy was the project manager of this craft :))
I embroidered our names on the front to add some texture
 Jeremy wrote the sweetest note to his grandma on the back, I think she will love it.
Happy 80th Birthday Grandma Hansen!! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

DIY paint chip art

Remember this triangle paint chip DIY that I posted a while back?
Well I made a couple other renditions that I also love!
This one using hexagon creams, pinks & golds.
I thought it was cute to add a little monogram overlay as well in silver glitter.
Such a fun and easy DIY.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Back to MX

We are finally back in Mexico, & I have to say I am thrilled. It will be short lived, but it is so nice to sleep in our own bed, and not live out of a suitcase! Plus it is still 90 degrees here which is so nice. I love fall and am looking forward to Christmas, but I will take a couple more days at the pool for now :)
We had a very enjoyable and relaxing utah trip this time around. Here are some pics from Jaxon's soccer game. Mostly of Hawkes in his adorable hat :)
 Hawkes loves to wave
 He was so sweet and just sat on my lap most of the game. My little snuggle buddy.
 Well Diesel and I are off to the beach!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Same dress, different day & dude..

Here Prez is again in the dress we got made in Mexico for her. This time she was going to the Davis homecoming. I think she looks so classy, vintage chic!
Anyone have awesome dance dresses that are stuffed in storage or a closest somewhere?? We are always looking to borrow instead of buy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Park City

Last week Jeremy & I headed up to Park City with Meg, Landon & Hawkes. I have never really understood the hype about the place, though we did have a wonderful time. I guess I did love going up as a kid to stay in our cabin & go snowboarding.
Anyways we hit up the outlets, and you will all be happy to know Jeremy purchased himself some new clothes. We had some delicious food as you can tell by our cleaned plates :) We also grabbed some chocolate items on the way out.
Hawkes was a little angel baby the whole time. I have to say my favorite part of our outing was actually the ride home when Meg & I jammed out to some sweet jr high tunes like Nsync, Usher, Mariah Carey & such. Jeremy & Landon were not as amused but Hawkes was definitely feeling it. He would shake his head back and forth & giggle when I sung "you make me wanna" by Usher. I think he will be invited to our next girls night where we jump on the bed & sing into our hair brush microphones :) Meg can you hook up the playlist??

Monday, October 10, 2011

For the love of Cheerios

The other day I got to hang out with my sweet little nephew Hawkes. He loves Diesel! Diesel is pretty scared of little ones but seems to tolerate Hawkes for some reason. They actually have a lot in common. One of those being a love for cheerios. (Or for Diesel food in general) Here they both fought for the coveted cereal. Pretty funny :)
Hawkes showed a little better manners & even seemed willing to share with his Buddy. We will have to work with Dies because he was being pretty selfish trying to snag all the cheerios for himself!
Cute Buddies :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Not a bang, but a fizzle

So while in Utah I am usually all over the place doing a million things! This trip I started off early with two Stella & Dot parties. The food & company were ever so lovely ;) Here are some shots of the first set up:
 and pearls..
some of my favorite sparkles
Of course if you see anything you love feel free to contact me or buy directly from my online Stella & Dot shop.
So as I said I am usually all over the place getting together with friends, shopping, taking pictures, & making crafts.. WELL not this time.
My body has a hard time adjusting to change. Whether it be time, food or weather I am always affected. Though I love to travel my body is often just so wimpy about the whole thing :(
So as happens every time I come from MX to Utah the food change started to affect my tummy and I find myself in the bathroom often.. As the weather changed from sunny to rainy I immediately got a sore throat along with a slight cough.. And even though the time difference is only an hour, my sleep is always off. I feel tired & crappy. I always get adjusted but it seems like it takes longer & longer each time. Not to complain, but I just get so frustrated sometimes. Why can't I be more like my mother who gets sick maybe once a year?!! Where I find myself sick almost 3 times a month. It's ridiculous this lame body I live in.. Oh well, I guess it's my burden to bear. But I kid you not if you are even thinking of getting sick do not come anywhere near me because I always catch it no matter what! My immune system is rad like that...
So I guess to make this post some-what productive, I will ask you for advice? Is there anything you do to keep from getting sick? Any special remedies or tricks? All I know is I FOR SURE heading to the doctor's to get a flu shot, because getting the flu is my worst nightmare! (Once in HS I had it for almost two weeks! Ask my mom I just laid on the couch & couldn't even open my own birthday presents for days after my actual birthday! Also because I couldn't eat I lost 6 pounds. Makes me shutter just thinking about it.)

On a more positive note.. I love the weather change! I am so excited for boots, hot chocolate, scarfs, haunted houses & cuddling! Fall is such an exciting change. Now that I finally do feel better, I am hoping to get some projects done & keep the blog up to date. Thanks for listening to me whine :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Prezley's Homecoming dress

Prez, my mother & I picked out some fabric to have my lady in Mexico do her magic & make us a custom dress for Prezley to wear to the homecoming dance. Unfortunately it was a little too big when she first tried it on.. Luckily our friend Danise (the one who made my wedding dress) swooped in and saved the day by altering it for us. Thank goodness she did it so quickly too, since Prezley got asked to the Syracuse homecoming which was this past Saturday.
I think she looked pretty classy. We loved her dress the most out of anyone in her group, & I doubt any of them got theirs for $15! :)
Her date was really sweet. There was actually debate if he looked like Edward or Jacob from Twilight!? haha
I will post better pictures of her dress when she goes to Davis's homecoming.