Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Going on in Utah...

Today has been a lovely one here in Utah. I didn't even know I liked Utah until I left..
It's so fun just to be with my family and have soo many options of places to shop & eat!
So this afternoon I got to meet up with some friends at the gateway. It is so good to have girl time, I didn't know how much I would miss the chattiness of women.
 You married ladies might know what I'm saying..
Men just can't hold long conversations like us women can.
Anywho we shopped and then settled down at happy sumo.
(me, jodie, michelle, & meghan)
After we went here to grab some free samples of yogurt :)
minus jodie. she ditched out on us for the gym?

Meg getting a little more then she bargained for.. haha

Michelle. Happiest person alive, always makes me smile.

My cute sister in law. We are shopping queens! 

It ended up being just me & meg shopping till we dropped. Old Navy was having a sale so we grabbed our hubbies some extra clothes.

So my meggy here is pregnant! It is very exciting & I can't wait to find out what she is having. We went into a maternity store so she could try on some of there pants, and she put on the BELLY. So cute funny!

The side angle.  I love pregnant bellies! I cant wait to have a bowling ball stomach some day!
Well I loved having a girls outing it has been my favorite day in utah so far. (hey sundays are boring, it's just a fact.)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm outta here!

 Im packed up and all ready to leave mexico and head home to Utah for the 4th of July. Yay!!
This is from last year, when I could still wear tank tops.. sigh.. Oh how I miss them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Daddy's are the best!

It is indeed time to tribute my dear father.

Robert Hawkes Potter happens to be the greatest guy ever.
Lucky for me he happens to be my dad:)
Some things I love about my dad are as follows:

He can always put a smile on my face. He has a very cheerful disposition. He is always quick to tell a joke or offer you something to make you happy.

He loves sports, being active and doing fun activities. He is so supportive of all his kids and everything we do even if its dance, cheer or what not. He always came to all our games, competitions, shows.

He has always been a good provider for a family. He works hard, and still finds time to spend time with us. I greatly appreciate all he has sacrificed for us kids.

He is a wonderful husband to my mother. She is one lucky lady! He is always so sweet to her & let's her do basically whatever she wants.. (hint hint jeremy? :)) ha. I have never seen him raise her voice at her, and he always supports her in her work and family. And I mean look at that picture, what a hottie right?

I love my dad more than words can express. He is such a strong and motivated person, with lots of patience. I love you dad, & thanks for always being there for me no matter what.
Happy Fathers Day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sparkles* our new friend

So diesel & I had been in a slump this last week. We were feeling unhappy. 
We felt like a lot of bad things happened to us this month.. 
(And they really did, believe me!)
We seemed to always be on the verge of tears.. 
We missed our family & friends. 
We felt left out of all the fun things everyone was doing for summer. 
We just felt very alone & lonely.
And it seemed like Jeremy was alway picking on us!

Then we woke up Tuesday morning, & we were feeling a little better.  We had a feeling TODAY was going to be DIFFERENT.. We were motivated to clean :) (well do the dishes, laundry, & make the bed at least!) We worked on a sewing project we had been meaning to finish for a while, & we decided to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. I even let Diesel swim. Ok kidding I made him swim, he hates it. I just felt it necessary that he learn in case the tide comes in fast one day & he is stranded in the water. (hey it could happen.)
Anyways moral of the story is we were having a lovely day & feeling glad to possibly be out of our slump. So when Jeremy came home from work I convinced him to come to the beach with us instead of going to the gym so he could see Diesel swim.
But when we got to the water we started to notice a bunch of blue blob like things floating everywhere and realized they were JELLYFISH!!! 

At first I was sad that now we couldn't swim and Jer would want to go to the gym.. but then he had the idea maybe we should try to catch one!! I was a little nervous so diesel & I watched from the shore as Jer used one of my rain boots to try and snag one. It seemed like he tried forever until he finally caught one!
We took it back to our house and put it in a fish bowl. Jeremy said I could name it.
So I am proud to present to you *SPARKLES* because she glistens with little specks of glitter!

Diesel was not so sure he liked our new friend..

Even though jellyfish are quite terrifying to me and can be very dangerous, there is something very beautiful and mystical about them at the same time. This made my day very eventful and fun.
Love, Cass

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My to do crafts list..

Too often these days I am spending t much time on the internet looking for crafts instead of finishing one's I have already found our started. So here are just a few of my favorites that I need to spend my time on.
picture taken at Ben Franklin
Now if I only had the motivation to make any of these, or a crafting friend. Well at least this was a way to save them so I don't lose the links.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bug in a Rug..

This is what I found the other day after doing my make-up. This little guy always loves to be under the blankets. He is honestly like the best version of a baby. He just wants to be cuddled all day long. Doesn't cry and I definitely am not changing diapers.

I love his little eyes peeping out, like a turtle in his shell.
So stinking cute, he always makes me smile :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I feel for felt..

I ran across modern kiddo's blog today and feel in LOVE with "felt food"! It is definitely going to be my next project. The nice thing is felt is so cheap and hand sewing is very relaxing to me and harder to screw up. I know these seem pointless for a grown adult, but hey I know kids or will maybe have some one day. So I better start practicing now!

I just love anything miniature so these cute things are a double hit for me!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bugs, Bugs, BUGS!!

So this weekend we headed up to San Diego for a break & to hang out with our friends Wes and Rachelle. They are loads of fun. 

However Diesel had a really bad weekend. Which then ruined my weekend. :(
Not to get too graphic or I will start itching.. but on our drive up I noticed something in Diesel's fur. After further investigation I found out that it was two TICKS stuck together. YUCK!!! SO I quickly got out my tweezers and Jer pulled them out. Once we got to our destination I pulled up "ticks" on the internet cause I was concerned for my little guy. It showed lots of gross pictures. I also read a lot of concerning things about diseases they carry. So we decided to do a thorough check to make sure Dies was tick free. We searched everywhere & thought we were home free until we checked in between his back toes... AND sure enough there were 2 more ticks sucking my poor babies blood. I almost cried. I felt so bad for him, but at the same time was creeped out and didn't want any bugs on me.
So the next morning we took him to get shaved and washed to lower my stress and worrying. Though when we picked him up they informed us he had FLEAS!
So here I am thinking Ticks & Fleas??!! Am I like the worst dog owner on the planet or have we just gotten really unlucky? I mean I wash Diesel at least 2 times a week.
Just unlucky I guess. We found out the friend who's house we were staying at was where diesel came across the flea's because his poor dog was infested. So I felt bad, but we quarantined diesel the rest of the trip so hopefully it wouldn't spread.
I have somehow become a very anxiety prone person in the last month because this should have been no big deal. But man it drove me crazy all weekend. I kept feeling super itchy thinking bugs were on me, & even woke up at 5am one morning to search for fleas on dies for a good 3 hours. (Which does no good just fyi: fleas are tiny fly like bugs and even if I would pull one out it would fly back in. And they are almost impossible to grab in the first place because the just hid in the fur.) FRUSTRATION!!
Anyways sweet diesel has now been thoroughly washed and medicated, and was a champ thru the whole process. So about $100 later he is bug free. Yay!
Also Jeremy was a sweetheart helping me even though I know he thought I was being a little crazy. Love him :)
Isn't he adorable, who sleeps like that?
So there were positive parts of the trip like being able to eat good food and getting to go shopping with Rachelle. One of the days we got to go to her friends shop who was also hosting a bunch of vintage shops as well. It was so fun! Here are a few pics I got with my Iphone using my favorite app hipstamatic.

That's my cute friend Rachelle. :)
Oh and I almost forgot we also had a fun trip riding Jer's harley thru some scenic places. I am no way a biker chick & most of the time Jer has to bribe me with something to even get on it for 5 minutes, but I am happy to say it was very pleasant.

Anyways hope you had a fun Bug free weekend!