Saturday, March 29, 2014

My Handsome Huddy

My little Hudson is just so handsome! I can't get over his cute little face! I feel badly I have a million pictures of Kingsley as a baby, but only a few of Hudson. So that is my new goal is to pull out my camera more often to take pictures of my kids. Mostly so I don't get this shocked/surprised look below :)
 I just love dressing this little guy up! He is growing to fast that he only gets to wear things 1 or 2 before that are too small.
 Love his chunky little legs in shorts :)
 Whoever said dressing little boys isn't fun is definitely not trying hard enough! Maybe I just love the challenge ;)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hudson is 5 months!

I am starting to hate writing these posts as it means another month has come and gone and my baby is growing up! And they take me forever to get done with two littles around so I am always a couple weeks behind by the time they are posted! Hudson has changed and grown a lot since last month. He now weighs about 16 pounds. He finally started taking a bottle which is such a relief since I don't have a lot of milk. When I pump at night I seem to get about 3-5oz ounces, 5 being a rare good night. So I still nurse him but can usually tell if he is still hungry so during the day I will give him pumped milk from the night before to keep him full. He also eats rice cereal 2-4 times a day. He is really quick, which is nice because it seems he will be very good at eating baby food as well. At night I give him formula to help him sleep longer and give him a different taste to make sure he will get used to it for when my milk dries entirely up. Hudson seems to have a sensitive stomach. Although he has grown out of his fussiness I can still tell if I eat something that upsets him because he spits up a ton. Poor little guy.
Hudson's schedule has improved drastically. He now goes to bed at about 8-8:30pm and sleeps in his crib for 7-9 hours waking up between 5-7am nurses and then sleeps another couple hours. So he is getting really close to sleeping thru the night and I can't wait, but I don't really have the option of letting him cry it out because it is late enough in the morning that if I continued to let him cry he would wake up Kingsley so I am hoping he just continues to sleep longer gradually on his own. We have also had a little bit of a scare this month with Hudson.. When he is falling asleep he has had this shutter/tremor like shaking thing. It has only happened twice, but it is so scary to hold a shaking baby. Luckily it is not a seizure & everything we have read online says they grow out of it. Our doctor also seems to think it is nothing to be concerned about at this point. During the day Hudson naps really well. He goes down about every two hours and sleeps anywhere from 45min to an hour and a half. He takes two to three naps depending on what time he wakes up in the morning.  He has recently started rolling over and sleeping on his stomach which probably is the reason he has been sleeping longer. He sometimes will take a binkie when he is half asleep, but usually during the day he just chews and plays with it.
Hudson has recently found his voice and loves to screech away. He makes the funniest noises and they are low and very man-ly :) He rolls over the second you set him on his back. He also has gotten really good at using his hands and grabbing things (I have scratches all over my body :() His favorite toy is his "sophie" a squeaky giraffe. He also likes some of Kingsley's balls and any small things he can hold. He sucks on everything. Sometimes it confuses people that think he's hungry. He is very animated and happy. He loves attention. He gets upset when you set him down and walk away. The sweetest thing is how much he loves for Kingsley to talk to him. Kingsley loves him just as much, and loves to get in his face and say hi huddy buddy :) They will be the cutest friends I can just tell. 
Hudson has the sweetest blue eyes. His hair seems to be staying dark which I hope it does. He has the perfect round face. He is just so handsome with the most kissable cheeks. I could kiss and smell this sweet baby all day. I just love him to death and treasure every minute I get to spend with him when Kingsley will allow it :)
Love this sweet 2nd child.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Kingsleys Nursery

I have been meaning to post these pictures of Kingsley's nursery forever! I just kept wanting to add a few finishing touches which of course never seem to end, but when we finally bought a house (more on that later) I knew I had to document it before I left it behind. It has such special memories for me. My family & my cousin Brooke helping me paint it white. Then both my sister in laws Amy and Meghan helping me stencil on the triangles which was so much work! Being able to choose and decorate his little space all on my own. And most importantly bringing home my first baby boy. Loving and cuddling him in that room. It was just such a happy space and my favorite room in our whole house. 
I am missing that dream space today.
Love looking at all the different pieces that make it special like the quilt my mother in law Sandy made, the gold mirror from my dad, and all the DIY pieces I made before his arrival.
without the curtains for better lighting.
Well I hope to post new pictures of our house and the boys rooms soon, though I don't know if it will compare to this but I'm hoping it will come close :)

Christmas Cards 2013

I knew family pictures were not going to happen at this time with us being so busy and me feeling particularly un-photogenic with my post pregnancy body.. So I dressed the boys in their Christmas best and took a few shots of them for some very late Christmas cards.
 Kingsley can be a total ham sometimes, which would be perfect if he would stay still long enough for me to take a picture.
I would have loved to get Hudson smiling too, but I could only manage to deal with getting Kingsley to sit still and not let his brother topple over..
 Kingsley did this himself while I was trying to get a picture of just Hudson. Ha he doesn't quite realize he is the BIGGER brother ;)
It's interesting how different they look to me. I can't wait to see what Hudson looks like as he gets older.
 I had to do the strangest things to get these photos of King below, but I sure do adore them!
My two little loves.

Hudson is 4 months!

And another month flies by!
We just love our little "Huddy Buddy" as we call him. He has the sweetest little face, and I love kissing his cheeks!

So at his 4 month appointments these were his stats:
Weight: 22% @ 14 pounds
Height: 37% @ 25 inches
Head Circumference: 74% @ 43cm

I was surprised and sad that his weight had tapered off. It didn't drop as drastically as Kingsley's had at 4 months, but it felt disappointing to see his weight go down. It's odd because he just looks pretty chubby to me, so I didn't expect to have to worry about my milk supply AGAIN.... WaWa What's really stressful is the fact that Hudson won't take a bottle so my breast milk is the only source of food he is getting. This is probably my biggest regret with Hudson, is not sticking with the bottle so I could leave him or give him formula. I just was so worried about my milk issues with Kingsley that this time around I focused solely on breastfeeding. So basically I traded one mistake for another. Because of that I have started to give him rice cereal which he eats fairly well. Which will be refreshing since Kingsley hardly could eat any form of mush until 8 months!
Anyways enough about that. Hudson's schedule is still all over the place. I'm sure some of it is my fault not being consistent on when I lay him down, but I just can't seem to find a natural rhythm with him. I will think I have it all figured out but then after a couple days it all changes. He is just so unpredictable, especially at night. I never know when he is down for the night? Sometimes 8pm, 10pm, or later if I put him down early and he wakes up thinking it was only a nap. During the day he is a pretty good sleeper though. Seems like he takes 2-3 naps and sometimes a two to three hour nap in the afternoon. I swear he will sleep the longest if I nurse him in my bed little stinker. We don't swaddle him anymore, and he alwasy sleeps with his head tilted back and his hands up by his face. He has been sleeping in a bassinet in the closet, but as of the last couple nights we have moved him up to King's old crib. Something nice about Hudson is he it is a pretty sure thing he will fall asleep in his car seat and will stay asleep when I transfer him too.
Hudson just loves attention. He loves to be talked to, held and played with. He is very smiley and is also really ticklish which I love. He doesn't enjoy tummy time much, but spends more time in the mamaroo, bumbo, playmat, & bouncer. He also is pretty interested in the tv. He is getting very aware of his hands and is constantly sucking on them. (as seen below) He holds his head up totally now which makes carrying him around easier. He recently has started to enjoy holding onto his sophie giraffe and ball. It is fun to have him be more interactive, Kingsley especially loves it and always wants to get his little ball for him to hold :)
Kingsley wanted Hudson to sing into his mic, funny big brother :)
Love this little monkey of mine. He has transitioned into a much easier baby, although he seems either happy or furious there is not much in between. He is just very particular in what he wants I guess. This sweet little boy is just too adorable!